
Target group: Developers, Integrators

All strings are translatable. Translations are managed on Crowdin. Click the button to help translating!

Crowdin localization status

Override translations

You can override translations by the usual means (.xlf-files or TypoScript _LOCAL_LANG). If you use the TypoScript approach please keep in mind that the default language is english and additional languages can be added via the language ISO-639-1 code (de, fr, ...).


plugin.tx_cookieman._LOCAL_LANG {
  default {
    group.mandatory = Technically necessary
  de { = Technisch notwendig

Add translations for new groups and tracking objects

If you have added groups or tracking objects, you will have to add these translation strings:


Shown as group title.


Shown as introductory text block above the table (optional).


Shown in the table column "Purpose".


Shown in the table column "Type".


plugin.tx_cookieman._LOCAL_LANG {
  default {
    trackingobject.pixelphp = You can translate the name, but you do not have to.
    trackingobject.pixelphp.desc = My own tracking pixel does not really track you. It's just here to cheer you up.
    group.mygroup = My group is my castle.
  de {
    trackingobject.pixelphp = Du kannst den Namen übersetzen, musst es aber nicht machen.
    trackingobject.pixelphp.desc = Mein eigener Tracking Pixel trackt dich nicht wirklich. Er ist nur hier, um dich aufzumuntern.
    group.mygroup = In meiner Gruppe bin ich König.