Validation Configuration

Using this TypoScript configuration it is possible to change the validation for fields of the billing as well as shipping address. The partials for the display of the addresses evaluates this configuration if necessary and regulates both the output of the fields and whether the respective field is a mandatory field.

plugin.tx_cart {
    settings {
        validation {
            billingAddress {
                fields {
                    salutation.validator = NotEmpty
                    firstName.validator = NotEmpty
                    lastName.validator = NotEmpty
                    email.validator = NotEmpty
                    phone.validator = Empty
                    fax.validator = Empty
                    street.validator = NotEmpty
                    streetNumber.validator = Empty
                    addition.validator = Empty
                    zip.validator = NotEmpty
                    city.validator = NotEmpty
            shippingAddress {
                fields {
                    salutation.validator = NotEmpty
                    firstName.validator = NotEmpty
                    lastName.validator = NotEmpty
                    email.validator = NotEmpty
                    phone.validator = Empty
                    fax.validator = Empty
                    street.validator = NotEmpty
                    streetNumber.validator = Empty
                    addition.validator = Empty
                    zip.validator = NotEmpty
                    city.validator = NotEmpty

Exemplarily the configuration possibilities of the fields are to be shown at the example of the field salutation of the invoice address.

The default configuration validates the field created as mandatory. In the output there is a * for mandatory fields. At the input field required is set to true.

plugin.tx_cart {
    settings {
        validation {
            billingAddress {
                fields {
                    salutation.validator = NotEmpty

In contrast, you can also use Empty instead of NotEmpty. The server then checks whether the field is empty. However, this option also ensures that the field is not rendered at all, i.e. it does not appear in the frontend.

plugin.tx_cart {
    settings {
        validation {
            billingAddress {
                fields {
                    salutation.validator = NotEmpty

If no validation is set for a field, the field is output without *. The required attribute is not set. To remove the validation of fields from the default configuration you can use the > of TypoScript. It is necessary to remove the whole address field, not only the validator configuration.

plugin.tx_cart {
    settings {
        validation {
            billingAddress {
                fields {
                    salutation >


The e-mail address should always remain a required field, because it is needed for the ordering process and for sending e-mails. If no e-mail address is to be specified, the corresponding EventListeners must be deactivated.