There are several Events to extend the functionality of EXT:staticfilecache. The following list contains all events and a short description of the execution.
Executed in the client build process to modify options of the HTTP client for the boost mode queue.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Build Client Event SFC\
Executed in the identifier build process to control the target path of the cache entry.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Build Identifier Event SFC\
Executed in the PrepareMiddleware to check if the current page is static cacheable.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Cache Rule Event SFC\
Executed in the FallbackMiddleware to check if the current page is delivered via FallbackMiddleware.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Cache Rule Fallback Event SFC\
Executed in the ForceStaticCacheListener to force the generation of static file cache files.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Force Static File Cache Event SFC\
Executed in the ConfigGenerator do modify the stored data.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Generator Config Manipulation Event SFC\
Executed from all content related Generator to modify the content in front of the storage.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Generator Content Manipulation Event SFC\
Executed to trigger the Generators to store static files.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Generator Create SFC\
Executed to trigger the Generators to remove static files.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Generator Remove SFC\
Executed in the HttpPushService to handle different types of push handlers.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Http Push Header Event SFC\
Executed in the GenerateMiddleware in front of the business logic of the middleware.Staticfilecache\ Event\ Pre Generate Event
The EXT:staticfilecache uses middlewares to implement the logic of the cache into the core. These middlewares are easily to extend/replace. The following list describe the different middlewares:
Check if there is a frontend cookie and invalid user session. Then remove the cookie.Staticfilecache\ Middleware\ Cookie Check Middleware SFC\
Handle the fallback, if there is a static file but no redirect via nginx/htaccess.Staticfilecache\ Middleware\ Fallback Middleware SFC\
Preparation for new caching mechanisms of TYPO3 v13 (currently disabled).Staticfilecache\ Middleware\ Frontend Cache Middleware SFC\
Handle the user session in the right way.Staticfilecache\ Middleware\ Frontend User Middleware SFC\
Write the content into the StaticFileCache structure.Staticfilecache\ Middleware\ Generate Middleware SFC\
Check if the content is cacheable in the StaticFileCache structure.Staticfilecache\ Middleware\ Prepare Middleware