Download and install the extension
Recommended way is to use composer:
composer require lochmueller/staticfilecache
Copied! -
Change your .htaccess, vhost or nginx configuration
Your TYPO3 installation needs to support rewriting to static files according to the templates in Configuration.
Check access rights of the cache directory
Make sure
is accessible publiclyassets/ tx_ staticfilecache -
Clear the TYPO3 cache
After installation of the extension, you will need to clear the frontend cache and the backend cache. The reason for this is that the extension uses the TYPO3 cache hooks to generate static files. So if a page has already been cached by TYPO3, the hook will not be called and the static file will not be generated.
Verify the functionality
- Check the statcifilecache configuration test in the backend module.
- Enable
in the extension settings.debug Headers - Open some frontend pages in a different browser than the one you're logged in with TYPO3.
- Check the staticfilecache module - are there cached pages listed? good!
- Check the your typo3temp/assets/tx_staticfilecache folder for content. Is there content? Good!
- In your code, make sure there are no INT objects on pages you want to be cached. A single statically-uncacheable element will make the entire page statically-uncacheable.
In the second browser, hard reload the pages you previously called and check for x-sfc headers. Loaded? Good!
orsfc- state: TYPO3 - already in cache x-
Great!sfc- state: TYPO3 - add to cache x-
That is ok, but there's something missing in the .htaccess.sfc- state: Static File Cache - via Fallback Middleware x-
Perfect! You're set.sfc- state: Static File Cache - via htaccess
Third Party Extensions
uses symlinks to move code out of the docroot. Therefore, it is important to make sure the statically cached pages are accessible for clients to reach. One way is to move the
tx_staticfilecache into a path that is already covered by
typo3-secure-web` redirects:
# Full path for redirect
RewriteRule .* - [E=SFC_FULLPATH:typo3temp/assets/tx_staticfilecache/%{ENV:SFC_PROTOCOL}_%{ENV:SFC_HOST}_%{ENV:SFC_PORT}%{ENV:SFC_URI}/index]
# Do not allow direct call the cache entries
RewriteCond %{ENV:SFC_URI} ^/typo3temp/assets/tx_staticfilecache/.*
'overrideCacheDirectory' => '../typo3-secure-web/typo3temp/assets/tx_staticfilecache/',
The configuration hints in the backend module aren't always accurate with typo3-
Powermail form plugins are INT, so they disable static caching. Powermail has a global setting basic.
, that you can use, but that will disable php side prefilling functionality in all Powermail forms.