Backend Layouts¶
If you like to set all pages of the doktype folder but module dmail to the backend layout folder, you can use the SQL statement from below.
Please make a backup of your pages table before run the update statement from below.
-- Count all modules from pages of doktype folder but module dmail
SELECT count(module), module FROM pages
WHERE doktype = 254
AND module != 'dmail'
GROUP BY module;
-- Count all backend_layouts from pages of doktype folder but module dmail
SELECT count(backend_layout), backend_layout FROM pages
WHERE doktype = 254
AND module != 'dmail'
GROUP BY backend_layout;
-- Display all pages of doktype folder but module dmail
SELECT uid, module, backend_layout, title FROM pages
WHERE doktype = 254
AND module != 'dmail'
ORDER BY module, backend_layout, title, uid;
-- Update all pages of doktype folder but module dmail to backend_layout folder
UPDATE pages
SET backend_layout = 'start__folder'
WHERE doktype = 254
AND module != 'dmail';