If you update from smaller than 4.6.5 please respect the both You MUST / You SHOULD at 4.6.
Background Image for Grid Elements¶
Bootstrap support for Grid Elements¶
You have to include a the new static template only:
- Start [20.4.1] Gridelements (Bootstrap)
RTE with additional Features¶
Color Button. Details @ Aministrators > Best Practice > RTE > Plugins
Spell checking. Details
- for Aministrators
- for Users
Width of columns by Constant Editor¶
Backend layout: width of columns can configured by the Constant Editor. See
CSS Grid Layout¶
CSS is improved:
From 5.0
- .main .left, .main .main or .main .right
To 4.6:
- .maincontentleft, .maincontentmain, .maincontentright [DEPRECATED]
HTML/CSS Grid Elements¶
If the CSS class property contains a value, the grid element gets a div wrap with this value as the CSS class.
- value is empty: <div class=”row”>{gridelement}</div>
- value is “container”: <div class=”container”><div class=”row”>{gridelement}</div></div>
Margin columns are visible on mobile devices¶
Backend layout: margin columns are displayed in small view too. CSS class “show-for-medium-up” is moved to “small-12”. If you don’t like it, please configure
page.63148.start__[layout].settings { ... }