This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Using Sphinx from a command lineΒΆ

Although this extension is primarily meant at providing a full-fledged environment to build documentation from a TYPO3 backend, it is likely that a few users will use it to easily set up a Sphinx environment on their local machine.

This extension automatically generates shortcut scripts within directory typo3temp/tx_sphinx/sphinx-doc/bin/:

|-- sphinx-build -> sphinx-build-1.2b1
|-- sphinx-build-1.0.8
|-- sphinx-build-1.1.3
|-- sphinx-build-1.2b1
|-- sphinx-quickstart -> sphinx-quickstart-1.2b1
|-- sphinx-quickstart-1.0.8
|-- sphinx-quickstart-1.1.3
`-- sphinx-quickstart-1.2b1

The selected version of Sphinx (script without any version number) is the one you select in the Extension Manager.


Makefile generally refer to sphinx-build to build your documentation. As such, if you plan to use Sphinx from the command line, you should consider adding directory typo3temp/tx_sphinx/sphinx-doc/bin to your PATH environment variable.