This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Installing the Share fontΒΆ

In order to customize the output of documentation rendered as PDF with LaTeX to match the TYPO3 branding, we first need to install the Share corporate font family and convert it to be compatible with LaTeX. Instructions can be found in the repository of the TYPO3-related commands for Sphinx, within directory latex.typo3.

Go to directory latex.typo3 and convert the Share font (the password that is being asked is related to sudo; as such it is your own password):

$ cd /path/to/uploads/tx_sphinx/latex.typo3/
$ cd font/
$ ./


The complete Share font family can be downloaded off


MS Windows Users: Please use Unicode Truetype font installer for LaTeX. As there is currently no automatic script available for you, when using MikTeX, please follow the instructions on the linked page or from

Tip: You may want to use script from a Linux machine and set INSTALL=0 near the beginning of the script. Instead of installing the converted fonts on your system, it will only convert them and prepare mapping files within directory latex.typo3/fonts/texmf/.

Once converted, the font is available as typo3share within LaTeX documents. To test that it has been properly installed, you may create a sample LaTeX document, (test-font.tex):



%% TYPO3 font


We chose to distribute licenses as they support the vision and
mission of the TYPO3 project:

"{\sharefont Inspiring People to \textbf{\emph{Share}}}" and
"Jointly Innovate Excellent Free Software Enabling People to


and compile it:

$ pdflatex test-font

When you open generated file test-font.pdf, you should see the Share font used locally:

Using the Share font family within LaTeX