TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.
There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.
function name¶
Data type
function name
Method in class:
Indicates a function or method in a class to call. See more information at the USER cObject.
Depending on implementation the class or function name (but not the method name) should probably be prefixed with "user_". The prefix can be changed in the $TYPO3_CONF_VARS config though. The function / method is normally called with 2 parameters, $conf (TS configuration) and $content (some content to be processed and returned).
Also if you call a method in a class, it is checked (when using the USER/USER_INT objects) whether a class with the same name, but prefixed with "ux_" is present and if so, this class is instantiated instead. See the document "Inside TYPO3" for more information on extending classes in TYPO3!