TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.
There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.
Wraps the incoming value with a link.
If this is used from parseFunc the $cObj->parameters-array is loaded with the link-parameters (lowercased)!
Data type
target /stdWrap
Target used for external links
Data type
If set, the additionalParams list is exploded and calculated into a hash string appended to the URL, like "&cHash=ae83fd7s87". When the caching mechanism sees this value, it calculates the same value on the server based on incoming values in HTTP_GET_VARS, excluding id,type,no_cache,ftu,cHash,MP values. If the incoming cHash value matches the calculated value, the page may be cached based on this.
The $TYPO3_CONF_VARS['SYS']['encryptionKey'] is included in the hash in order to make it unique for the server and non-predictable.
Data type
string /stdWrap
This is parameters that are added to the end of the URL. This must be code ready to insert after the last parameter.
This is very useful – for example – when linking to pages from a search result. The search words are stored in the register-key SWORD_PARAMS and can be insert directly like this: = register:SWORD_PARAMS
Note: This is only active for internal links!
Data type
Add the QUERY_STRING to the start of the link. Notice that this does not check for any duplicate parameters! This is not a problem (only the last parameter of the same name will be applied), but enable "config.uniqueLinkVars" if you still don't like it.
.method: If set to GET or POST, then the parsed query arguments (GET or POST data) will be used. This setting is useful, if you use URL processing extensions like Real URL, which translate part of the path into query arguments.
It's also possible to get both, POST and GET data, on setting this to
"POST,GET" or "GET,POST". The last method in this sequence takes precedence and overwrites the parts that are also present for the first method.
.exclude: List of query arguments to exclude from the link (e.g. L or cHash).
Data type
Decides if the link should call the script with the jumpurl parameter in order to register any clicks in statistics.
This works the same way as "filelink.jumpurl" does – for more details see the description there.
Example: {
typolink.jumpurl = 1 = 1 = pdf=application/pdf, doc=application/msword, png=image/png, gif=image/gif, jpg=image/jpg
These settings in the TS template will make any link to an internal file inserted in the RTE be rendered as a secure file download.
Data type
If set, the link is first wrapped with ".wrap" and then the <A>-tag.
Data type
string /stdWrap
This is the main data that is used for creating the link. It can be the id of a page, the URL of some external page, an email address or a reference to a file on the server. On top of this there can be additional information for specifying a target, a class and a title. Below are a few examples followed by full explanations.
parameter = 51
Most simple. Will create a link to page 51.
parameter = 51 _blank specialLink "Very important information"
A full example. A link to page 51 that will open in a new window. The link will have a class attribute with value "specialLink" and a title attribute reading "Very important information". So the result will be the following:
<a href="?id=51" target="_blank" class="specialLink" title="Very important information">
parameter = - specialLink
An external link with a class attribute. Note the dash (-) that replaces the second value (the target). This makes it possible to define a class (third value) without having to define a target.
parameter = - - "Send a mail to main TYPO3 contact"
Creates a mailto link with a title attribute (but no target and no class).
As you can see from the examples, each significant part of the parameter string is separated by a space. Values that can themselves contain spaces must be enclosed in double quotes. Each of these values are described in more detail below.
The first value is the destination of the link. If there's a @ it will be considered to be a mail address and a mailto link will be created. If the value contains a dot (.) before the first slash (/) or a double slash (//) or if a scheme (like http) is found inside it, the link will be considered to be an external one. If there's a slash but not a dot before it, it is considered to be a path to a file and link is made to it (even if it does not exist as it must consider that it might be a speaking URL). In all other cases it is assumed that the value is either a page id and a page alias and a link is made to that page, if it exists.
In the case of a link to a page, the value can be more complex than just a number or an alias. There can be three "sub-values" separated by commas. Here's an example:
typolink.parameter = 51,100,&test=1 - - "RSS Feed"
The first value is the page id, the second is the type, the third will override the "additionalParams" property. It's also possible to specify a section that will override the section property. If the section mark is an integer, it will be considered as a pointer to a tt_content record. If not, it's used as is. If there's only a section mark, the link is made to the current page.
typolink.parameter = 51#345
Creates a link to page 51 with an anchor to tt_content element number 345
typolink.parameter = #top
Creates a link to the current page with an anchor called "top".
It's also possible to direct the typolink to use a custom function (a "link handler") to build the link. This is described in more details below this table.
Target or popup settings
Targets are normally defined the properties described above (extTarget, fileTarget and target) but it is possible to override them by explicitly defining a target in the parameter property. It's possible to use a dash (-) to skip this value when one wants to define a third or fourth value, but no target (see examples above).
Instead of a target, this second value can be used to define the parameters of a JavaScript popup window into which the link will be opened (using The height and width of the window can be defined, as well as additional parameters to be passed to the JavaScript function. Also see property "Jswindow".
typolink.parameter = 51 400x300
Opens page 51 in a popup window measuring 400 by 300 pixels
typolink.parameter = 51 400x300:resizable=0,location=1
Same as above, but the window will not be resizable and will show the location bar.
The third value can be used to define a class name for the link tag. This class is inserted in the tag before any other value from the "ATagParams" property. Beware of conflicting class attributes. It's possible to use a dash (-) to skip this value when one wants to define a fourth value, but no class (see examples above).
The standard way of defining the title attribute of the link would be to use the "title" property or even the "ATagParams" property. However it can also be set in this fourth value, in which case it will override the other settings. Note that the title should be wrapped in double quotes (") if it contains blanks.
Note: When used from parseFunc, the value should not be defined explicitly, but imported using: = parameters : allParams
Data type
Forces links to internal pages to be absolute, thus having a proper URL scheme and domain prepended.
Additional sub-property:
.scheme: Defines the URL scheme to be used (https or http). http is the default value.
typolink {
parameter = 13
forceAbsoluteUrl = 1
forceAbsoluteUrl.scheme = https
Data type
Preset values for opening the window. This example lists almost all possible attributes:
status=1,menubar=1,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,location=1,directories=1,t oolbar=1
Data type
If set to "url", then it will return the URL of the link ($this->lastTypoLinkUrl).
If set to "target", it will return the target of the link.
So, in these two cases you will not get the value wrapped but the URL or target value returned!
Data type
string /stdWrap
If this value is present, it's prepended with a "#" and placed after any internal URL to another page in TYPO3.
This is used create a link, which jumps from one page directly the section on another page.
Data type
<A>-params /stdWrap
Additional parameters
Data type
If set, typolinks pointing to access restricted pages will still link to the page even though the page cannot be accessed.
Data type
function name
This passes the link-data compiled by the typolink function to a user- defined function for final manipulation.
The $content variable passed to the user-function (first parameter) is an array with the keys "TYPE", "TAG", "url", "targetParams" and "aTagParams".
TYPE is an indication of link-kind: mailto, url, file, page
TAG is the full <A>-tag as generated and ready from the typolink function.
The latter three is combined into the 'TAG' value after this formula:
<a href="' . $finalTagParts['url'] . '"' .
$finalTagParts['targetParams'] .
$finalTagParts['aTagParams'] . '>
The userfunction must return an <A>-tag.
Using link handlers¶
A feature allows you to register a link handler for a keyword you define. For example, you can link to a page with id 34 with "<link 34>" in a typical bodytext field which converts <link> tags with "->typolink". But what if you have an extension, "pressrelease", and wanted to link to a press release item displayed by a plugin on some page you don't remember? With this feature it's possible to create the logic for this in that extension.
So, in a link field (the "parameter" value for ->typolink) you could enter "pressrelease:123":
Some TypoScript will usually transfer this value to the "parameter" attribute of the ->typolink call. When "pressrelease:123" enters ->typolink as the "parameter" it will be checked if "pressrelease" is a keyword with which a link handler is associated and if so, that handler is allowed to create the link.
Registering the handler for keyword "pressrelease" is done like this:
['typolinkLinkHandler']['pressrelease'] =
The class file "pressrelease/class.linkHandler.php" contains the class "tx_linkHandler" which could look like this:
class tx_linkHandler {
function main($linktxt, $conf, $linkHandlerKeyword,
$linkHandlerValue, $link_param, &$pObj) {
$lconf = array();
$lconf['useCacheHash'] = 1;
$lconf['parameter'] = 34;
$lconf['additionalParams'] = '&tx_pressrelease[showUid]=' .
return $pObj->typoLink($linktxt, $lconf);
In this function, the value part after the keyword is set as the value of a GET parameter, "&tx_pressrelease[showUid]" and the "parameter" value of a new ->typolink call is set to "34" which assumes that on page ID 34 a plugin is put that will display pressrelease 123 when called with &tx_pressrelease[showUid]=123. In addition you can see the "userCacheHash" attribute for the typolink function used in order to produce a cached display.
The link that results from this operation will look like this:
<a href="index.php?id=34&
tx_pressrelease[showUid]=123%3A456&cHash=c0551fead6" >
The link would be encoded with RealURL and respect config.linkVars as long as ->typolink is used to generate the final URL.