
TYPO3 v6 has reached its end-of-life April 18th, 2017 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is strongly recommended updating your project.




Data type

->Gifbuilder Object



The way an image-map is made is this: All IMGMENUITEMS are included in one big Gifbuilder object (and renumbered!). Because of this, Gifbuilder objects on the next level will not be able to access the data of each menu item.

Also the feature of using [##.w] and [##.h] with +calc is currently not supported by IMGMENUITEMs.

Therefore all IMAGE objects on the first level is checked; if "file" or "mask" for any IMAGE objects are set to "GIFBUILDER", the GIFBUILDER object is parsed to see if any TEXT objects are present and if so, the TEXT object is "checked" - which means, that the stdWrap- function is called at a time where the $cObj->data-array is set to the actual menu item.

In the example below, the text of each menu item is rendered by letting the title be rendered on a mask instead of directly on the image. Please observe that the "NO.10" object is present in order for the image-map coordinates to be generated!

NO.6.file = fileadmin/masked_pencolor.gif
NO.6.mask {
  XY = 500, 200
  backColor = black
  10 = TEXT
  10 {
    text.field = title
    fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/caflisch.ttf
    fontSize = 34
    fontColor = white
    angle = 15
    offset = 48,110
  20 = EFFECT
  20.value = blur=80
NO.10 = TEXT
NO.10 {
  text.field = title
  fontFile = fileadmin/fonts/caflisch.ttf
  fontSize = 34
  angle = 15
  offset = 48,110
  hideButCreateMap = 1
