Configure Extension

After Install EXT:solr you need to configure the extension. Only a few steps from below are necessary for Index the first time.

Static TypoScript

The extension already comes with basic configuration that will work for small pages out of the box. For now create or edit an existing TypoScript Template record in your page tree and add the provided static TypoScript:


Search Markers

EXT:solr is indexing everything on a page between <!– TYPO3SEARCH_begin –> and <!– TYPO3SEARCH_end –> to ensure this is the case, check the output of you website and add the markers to your template.

If the markers are missing, you should add them to your template. To increase the quality of the search results the markes should only wrap the relevant content of a page and exclude e.g. menus, because they are same on each page. The markers can be used multiple times, but make sure each “TYPO3SEARCH_begin” is properly closed with “TYPO3SEARCH_end”.

The most simple configuration for my page was:

page.10 {
    stdWrap.dataWrap = <!--TYPO3SEARCH_begin-->|<!--TYPO3SEARCH_end-->

Enable indexing

Indexing wil only work if you allow content to be indexed by stating so in your TypoScript setup configuration:

config {
    index_enable = 1

Site Handling or Legacy site mode

There are two ways to setup EXT:Solr on your site.


The “Site Handling mode” is the preferred way for configuring current EXT:Solr and it is only usable, if you are able to enable new site handling feature for all your sites.


The “Legacy site mode” in EXT:solr 10.0 is kept for backwards compatibility for users, which have had upgraded to TYPO3 9.5 LTS but do not want to use the new site handling feature currently.