Breaking: #413 - Remove Signal Slots

See Issue #413


Signal slots have been removed in TYPO3 v12. These have been replaced by EventListeners where possible. The extension offered following signal slots:

  • updateCountry in \Extcode\Cart\Utility\CartUtility

  • updateCurrency in \Extcode\Cart\Utility\CurrencyUtility

  • addProductAdditionalData, addBeVariantAdditionalData, and changeOrderItemBeforeSaving in \Extcode\Cart\Utility\OrderUtility

Affected Installations

All installations that used the signal slots to programmatically adjust the behavior of the extension are affected.


  • updateCountry in \Extcode\Cart\Utility\CartUtility can replaced with \Extcode\Cart\EventListener\Cart\UpdateCountry.

  • updateCurrency in \Extcode\Cart\Utility\CurrencyUtility can replaced with \Extcode\Cart\EventListener\Cart\UpdateCurrency.

  • addProductAdditionalData, addBeVariantAdditionalData, and changeOrderItemBeforeSaving in \Extcode\Cart\Utility\OrderUtility was used only directly in \Extcode\Cart\EventListener\Order\Create\Order. This class now dispatch the new \Extcode\Cart\Event\Order\PersistOrderEvent. Overwriting \Extcode\Cart\Utility\OrderUtility or using the signal slots of this class should thus be superfluous and can be replaced by your own EventListener. For more information check out the event documentation in the developer section.