Breaking: #437 - Refactor Currency TypoScript Configuration

See Issue #413


Rendering the currency selector renders the default = 1 from TypoScript as an own option. Using a preset and an list of options like in shipping and payment configuration will fix this bug.

Affected Installations

All installations using an own configuration for plugin.tx_cart.setting.currencies or override the Resources/Private/Partials/Cart/CurrencyForm.html partial.



Adapt the new TypoScript configuration structure. Instead of:

plugin.tx_cart {
    settings {
        currencies {
            default = 1
            1 {
                code = EUR
                sign = €
                translation = 1.00

use a structure like this:

plugin.tx_cart {
    settings {
        currencies {
            preset = 1
            options {
                1 {
                    code = EUR
                    sign = €
                    translation = 1.00

Templates (Partials)

Use settings.currencies.options instead of settings.currencies in the partial.