Feature: #309 - Improve ProcessOrderCheckStockEvent

See Issue 309


When a customer wants to send an order the Classes/Event/ProcessOrderCheckStockEvent.php is called. This Event existed already before but with limited functionality. The purpose of this Event is to allow product extensions (e.g. EXT:cart_products) to cancel the order process if any product in the order is insufficient in stock. This means it's only working if stock handling is enabled.

With this feature the functionality of ProcessOrderCheckStockEvent is extended:

  • EventListener can set a flag that not every product of the order that a customer wants to make are available ( setNotEveryProductAvailable()).
  • EventListener can add custom messages to the Event, e.g. for every product which is not available.

The Classes/Controller/Cart/OrderController.php takes the flag and the messages into account: If the flag is true (= not every product is available) it will add the messages as flash messages queue and redirect back to the cart. This means the order form is rendered again with the flash messages. An example for an EventListener will be introduced in EXT:cart_products.


This change should not have any negative impact. Your product extensions can now implement an EventListener which listens to the ProcessOrderCheckStockEvent to add messages about products which are insufficient amount in your stock. An example for such a EventListener will be added to EXT:cart_products.