How can I unset the predefined payment / shipping methods?

The following example unsets the default countries and payment methods and add options for 2 other countries instead.

plugin.tx_cart {
    settings {
        countries >
        countries {
            preset = 1
            options {
                4 {
                    code = fr
                    label = France
                5 {
                    code = nl
                    label = Netherlands

    # equivalent done for shippings
    payments {
        countries {
            de >
            at >
            ch >
            fr {
                preset = 1
                options {
            nl < fr

How can I add a field "Addition" for the addresses?

As shown in Validating and hiding fields the field exists but is not shown because the validation is set to NotEmpty.

The following configuration shows the "addition" field for the shipping address:

How can overwrite a translation?

You can write your own XLIFF file where you are using the key of the translation that you want to overwrite. Your XLIFF file needs to be registered in a ext_localconf.php, e.g. in your sitepackage.

The following example is for overwriting German translations:

   ['de']['EXT:cart/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf'][] =