Creating a definition list¶
Case 1: Nothing is highlighted, cursor is inside p or hx.¶
<p>Definition term|</p>
If dl-button is clicked, this becomes:
<dt>Some Text|</dt>
Case 2: Nothing is highlighted, cursor is inside a block element other than p or hx.¶
<div>Definition term|</div>
If dl-button is clicked, this becomes:
<dt>Definition term|</dt>
Case 3: Creating a dl from multiple highlighted paragraphs¶
Let us say, we have the following code highlighted:
<p>Definition term 1</p>
<p>Definition text 1</p>
<p>Definition term 2</p>
<p>Definition text 2</p>
Klicking the dl-button results in alternatingdt/ddelements wrapped bydl:
<dt>Definition term 1</dt>
<dd>Definition text 1</dd>
<dt>Definition term 2</dt>
<dd>Definition text 2|</dd>
Case 4: Creating a dl from a highlighted combination of hx and p¶
<h4>headline 1</h4>
<p>paragraph 1.1</p>
<p>paragraph 1.2</p>
<h4>headline 2</h4>
<p>paragraph 2.1</p>
In this case
- everyhxwould becomedt,and
- everypwould becomedd.
<dt>headline 1</dt>
<dd>paragraph 1.1</dd>
<dd>paragraph 1.2</dd>
<dt>headline 2</dt>
<dd>paragraph 2.1|</dd>