7.0.0 - 7th October 2022

Important changes

The following changes could be breaking for you.

Support of TYPO3 12

12.0 has been released on 4th of October 2022. Read more about it at https://typo3.org/article/typo3-v120-release-your-power! No breaking changes are planned anymore which makes it possible for extensions to start to be compatible with the next awesome TYPO3 version.

Drop support of TYPO3 10

With the release of version 7, the support of TYPO3 10 has been stopped. tt_address is kind of feature complete and without known bugs, therefore no further 6.x releases are planned.

Removal of automatic redirect in detail view

Previously a redirect has been triggered in the detail view if no record has been found. This redirect has been removed.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2022-10-07 [TASK] Use correct psr4 in ext_emconf (Commit 98d4565 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#438) (Commit a0e4028 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [BUGFIX] Fix undefined notice for new records (Commit 905f291 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [TASK] Replace PageLayoutViewHook with PreviewRenderer (Commit c2d0ae1 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [BUGFIX] Use correct DB call (Commit 009608c by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#436) (Commit 9a7e5b8 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [BUGFIX] Check t3 version for js module (Commit d1a81ef by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 add composer tf bridge (Commit d95e5de by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 add composer tf bridge (Commit d928d84 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 Revert "[TASK] Add php 8.2" (Commit f730950 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [TASK] Add php 8.2 (Commit e1057b3 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [BUGFIX] Use array_values for unpacking (Commit ced151d by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 followup (Commit 7e77fb8 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [TASK] Use latest TF (Commit 3e646fd by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [TASK] Migrate tests (Commit 64fb44a by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-07 [BUGFIX] Fix failing tests (Commit 6dc4ecb by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-06 [TASK] Allow composer plugins (Commit b6670f3 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-06 [TASK] Migrate 1st run (Commit bfa1f72 by Georg Ringer)
2022-10-06 [BUGFIX] Register command in services.yaml (Commit 154009a by Georg Ringer)
2022-08-22 [BUGFIX] Fix warning in pagelayoutview (Commit be3e18b by Georg Ringer)
2022-07-21 [TASK] int cast for pid value (#419) (Commit a52ef48 by ayacoo)
2022-06-28 Apply fixes from StyleCI (#418) (Commit a7c94cc by Georg Ringer)
2022-06-28 [!!!][TASK] Remove redirect in detail view (Commit 08aca68 by Georg Ringer)
2022-06-02 [FEATURE] Provide getter in model for the language id (Commit 351a9dc by Georg Ringer)
2022-05-10 [FEATURE] Added storage page check for showAction (#415) (Commit 1543d9f by Torben Hansen)
2022-04-11 [TASK] Add TER + documentation + repository to composer.json (#413) (Commit 040c0b4 by Alexander Nitsche)
2022-04-05 [TASK] Align with new TYPO3 documentation standards (#411) (Commit 8c53536 by Alexander Nitsche)


This list has been created by using:

git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short