
The extension is fully covered by tests which run automatically for each commit and pull requests. You can find the output of those at https://travis-ci.org/FriendsOfTYPO3/tt_address or also as badge on the https://github.com/FriendsOfTYPO3/tt_address page.

If you want to provide a code change (which is awesome), you can also run those tests on your local environment.


It is important to know that the site must be set up with composer to make tests working! Use

composer require typo3/testing-framework

Unit Tests

Unit tests can be called by the following code:

cd typo3conf/ext/tt_address
../../../../phpunit -c ./Build/Local/phpunit.xml

# for specific tests
../../../../phpunit -c ./Build/Local/phpunit.xml Tests/Unit/Controller/AddressControllerTest.php

# Generating coverage (xdebug is required)
# the report can be found at typo3conf/ext/tt_address/Build/Local/report
../../../../phpunit -c ./Build/Local/phpunit.xml --coverage-text --coverage-html=./Build/Local/report

Functional Tests

Functional tests can be called by the following code:

cd typo3conf/ext/tt_address
export typo3DatabaseName="functional";export typo3DatabaseHost="mysql";export typo3DatabaseUsername="root";export typo3DatabasePassword="dev";../../../../phpunit   -c ./Build/Local/FunctionalTests.xml Tests/Functional