Manual Setup

The manual setup helps you to build an integrated instance of the TYPO3 Blog Extension. If you want a standalone Blog and do not have an existing site, please go with the Setup Wizard instructions.


  1. Ensure the TYPO3 Blog Extension is installed and activated

  2. Ensure your logged in as Administrator

  1. Open your existing template record (optional)

  2. Add the static template to your existing template

    Option A: Add the static template to your existing template record


    Option B: Add nessesary includes to your sitepackage

    # Setup
    @import "EXT:blog/Configuration/TypoScript/Integration/setup.typoscript"
    # Constants
    @import "EXT:blog/Configuration/TypoScript/Integration/constants.typoscript"


    It is recommended to use the "Integration" template to use the prepared page templates for lists and posts. These are using the layout "Default" and the section "Main" of your Template.

    If your "Page-Template/-Sections" named differently, please overwrite the blog templates in your sitepackage. Check the used templates below and adapt them to your own needs.

  3. Create Blog Pages

    1. Right click the page you want the Blog to list below

    2. Select "More options"

    3. Select "Create multiple pages"

    ../../_images/manual-3-1.png ../../_images/manual-3-2.png

    Create the following Pages, make sure they have the correct Type




    Blog Page


    Blog Page


    Blog Page


    Blog Page


    Blog Page



    Edit the newly generated Data folder to contain the "Blog"

    1. Edit the page "Data" and select the "Behaviour" tab

    2. Select "Blog" at "Contains Plugin"

    3. Save the Page


    Sort the pages like the following screenshot

  4. Configure the page ids in the typoscript constants

    These go either in the root template record or in the constants file of your sitepackage.

    1plugin.tx_blog.settings.blogUid     = ID_of_Page_Blog
    2plugin.tx_blog.settings.categoryUid = ID_of_Page_Categories
    3plugin.tx_blog.settings.authorUid   = ID_of_Page_Authors
    4plugin.tx_blog.settings.tagUid      = ID_of_Page_Tags
    5plugin.tx_blog.settings.archiveUid  = ID_of_Page_Archive
    6plugin.tx_blog.settings.storagePid  = ID_of_Page_Data


    1. If you hover with your mouse over a page in the pagetree the tooltip will reveal the "ID" of that page

    2. You can use the constant editor in the template module and select "TYPO3 BLOG"

    3. You find all relevant page configuration in the Section "Page ID settings"

  5. Configure the PageTS to point the blog to the storage folder "Data"

    1TCEFORM.pages.tags.PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID       = ID_of_Page_Data
    2TCEFORM.pages.authors.PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID    = ID_of_Page_Data
    3TCEFORM.pages.categories.PAGE_TSCONFIG_ID = ID_of_Page_Data

    Option A: Add the configuration to the root page

    1. Select the page module

    2. Select and edit your root page

    3. Select the resources tab

    4. Add the "Page TSconfig" configuration


    Option B: Add configuration to your Page TSconfig in your Sitepackage

  6. Frontend Routing

    The extension provides a frontend route enhancer configuration that you can include it in your site configuration.

    2   - { resource: "EXT:blog/Configuration/Routes/Default.yaml" }


    You can find your site configuration in ./config/sites/<identifier>/config.yaml

  7. Add Plugins to Blog Pages

    Example: Blog Listing

    1. Select the Page module

    2. Select the Blog page

    3. Click the Button to add content

    1. Select the "Blog" tab

    2. Add plugin "Blog: List of posts"





    Blog: List of posts


    Blog: List by author


    Blog: List by category


    Blog: List by tag


    Blog: Archive

  8. Congratulations

    Your blog is now ready, please read on in the capters about "how to add a blog post" and learn more about configuration options.
