This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.



The URL to retrieve the JSON from (could also be a local file).


Boolean. If set to true, PHP's urlencode(...) is applied to the URL.


The node (or path to the node, respectively) under which to find the single elements. Could e.g. be


Do not use a trailing slash.


If set and not empty, everytime a new entry is created the current unix timestamp is written to this field. Quite common in TYPO3 table is the column name crdate, altough it's, of course, not obligatory.


Basically the same as sTimestampOnAdd but for editing. So everytime an entry is updated, the current unix timestamp is written to this field. Common in TYPO3: tstamp

Deletion and marking deleted

If you delete something from a database table, it is deleted. Removed. Gone. Unless you don't really delete it but instead mark it being deleted. This is, what a lot of applications (within TYPO3) do in order to be e.g. capable of providing a recycler. Entries are only marked deleted when users delete them and thus not shown anymore, but in the database they still persist and can be restored.

For this to be achieved in a SQL Frontend, you may use the following settings telling the system which column is the one to carry the marks and what values it expects for both, entries that are deleted (sDeletedTrue) and entries that aren't (sDeletedFalse).

Configuration name Value type Description  
bSetDeleteFieldInsteadOfDeletion boolean true to enable this feature false
sDeleteField string column name deleted
sDeletedTrue string value for deleted entries 1
sDeletedFalse string value for "alive" entries 0

Default values (except bSetDeleteFieldInsteadOfDeletion) represent default TYPO3 configuration. Thus, if you are displaying any TYPO3 table and want to use this feature, most likely you just need to set bSetDeleteFieldInsteadOfDeletion to true.