This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

Frontend User ListingΒΆ

What we want is a table full of all frontend users and the possibility to click the first name that transfers us to a detail page of this user where we'll find more information. Everything is on one page and we also provide a Microsoft-Excel-ready CSV download. Furthermore a mouse-over over the first name should reveal in Bootstrap's tooltip-manner an image which is saved as the user's username inside a fileadmin directory.

Here's the total TypoScript configuration you might distribute over the various configuration channels (like Flexform, TS or Json):

plugin.tx_mhomsqlio {
    dbal {
            bSetDeleteFieldInsteadOfDeletion = 1
            eType = Typo3
            sDatabase = my_db
            sTable = fe_users
            sWhere = NOT disable
    data {
            eDisplay = Table
            aOverruleOtherDisplayIf {
                sDisplayOverruler: Detail
                sIfSource: GP
                aIf {
                    0 = uid>0
        aParamId {
            sParam: uid
            sColumn: uid
            sOrder = first_name
            sDelimiter = ;
            sQuote = "
            sLinebreak =
            bPrepareForMsExcel = 1
            sTempSubDirectory = mh_omsqlio
            aField {
                    10 {
                            sColumn = first_name
                            eClass = TextShort
                            sHeadline = First Name
                            sWrap = <a href="?id=1&uid=###uid###" title="<img src='fileadmin/user/###username###.jpg' />" class="tooltip">|</a>
                    20 {
                            sColumn = last_name
                            eClass = TextShort
                            sHeadline = Last Name
                    30 {
                            sColumn = username
                            eClass = TextShort
                            sHeadline = Shortform
                    40 {
                            sColumn = telephone
                            eClass = TextShort
                            sHeadline = Phone
                    50 {
                            sColumn = fax
                            eClass = TextShort
                            sHeadline = Fax
    interception {
            PostDisplay {
                    10 {
                            eType = js
                            eClass = Code
                            sCode = $('a.tooltip').each(function(i, _oElem) { $(_oElem).removeClass('tooltip').tooltip({container:'body', html:true, delay:0})});