This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.


As the name says, this dbal handler may only function as an enhancer to another handler. This means that you could enhance another database abstraction layer with JSON capabilities. Imagine a MySQL table that holds some information as JSON string within a certain column. In this case, use this enhancer, set it to MySQL as its main type and define the JSON-encoded column to be used encoded and all containing information just as any other (MySQL) column.

eMainType (and settings accordingly)

String, one of the the other dbal handlers. In case of enhancing a MySQL table, use Mysql here. Define other settings accordingly (in case of MySQL, set sDatabase, sTable, sUser, etc.).


Array of main database handlers columns that hold JSON-encoded strings. All other columns might just be used as usual. Array-key-like syntax possible Examples:

    aJson {
    0 = items
    1 = cart[items]


String. In order to find available JSON columns one single entry is selected and JSON-decoded. If you need to specify the entry to select, however, you might want to set the order for this single query here. Example: In order to always select the newest entry for JSON column extraction, specify e.g. "uid DESC" here.


Boolean. After configuring aJson, you could use all available "JSON columns" just as ordinary columns within data/aField. However, in case you need your SQL Frontend to dynamically adjust to a variable amount of "JSON columns" you could set this setting to true in order to add all found JSON columns to your field list. The configuration for those dynamically added fields may be set within the next option, aJsonColumnDefault.


Array, see bAddAllJsonColumnsToFieldList for explanation. Define as single data/aField configuration and use a small variety of markers.

Marker Value (explanation)
###i### one-based, numeric iterator
###sField### JSON field
###sColumn### database column that holds JSON string