Upgrading TYPO3

Minor updates (for example 12.4.1 to 12.4.2) contain bugfixes and/or security updates. This chapter details how updates are installed and highlights what tasks need to be carried out before and after the core is updated.

Major updates (for example 11.5 to 12.4) can contain new features and breaking changes as well as bugfixes. This chapter details how updates are installed and highlights what tasks need to be carried out before and after the core is updated.

Just like TYPO3's core, extensions also need to be regularly updated. This chapter details how to upgrade extensions using Composer.

Tools and resources developed by the community that can assist with common upgrade and maintenance tasks.

Using TYPO3 without Composer? This chapter details how to upgrade TYPO3 manually.

Information on how to migrate a legacy installation of TYPO3 to a Composer-based installation.

This chapter details how pages and content can be exported and then imported into another installation of TYPO3.