
TYPO3 v8 has reached its end-of-life March 31st, 2020 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.


An instance of class TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection is retrieved from the ConnectionPool by calling ->getConnectionForTable() and handing over the table name a query should executed on.

The class extends the basic doctrine-dbal Doctrine\DBAL\Connection class and is mainly used internally within the TYPO3 CMS framework to establish, maintain and terminate connections to single database endpoints. Those internal methods are not scope of this documentation since an extension developer usually doesn't have to deal with that.

For an extension developer however, the class provides a list of "short-hand" methods that allow dealing with "simple" query cases, without the complexity of the QueryBuilder. Using those methods typically ends up in rather short and easily readable code. The methods have in common that they support only "equal" comparisons in WHERE conditions, that all fields and values are fully quoted automatically and the created queries are executed right away.


The Connection object is designed to work on a single table only. If queries to multiple tables should be performed, the object must not be re-used. Instead, a single Connection instance should be retrieved via ConnectionPool per target table. However, it is allowed to use one Connection object for muliple queries to the same table.


Creates and executes an INSERT INTO statement. A (slightly simplified) example from the Registry API:

// INSERT INTO `sys_registry` (`entry_namespace`, `entry_key`, `entry_value`) VALUES ('aoeu', 'aoeu', 's:3:\"bar\";')
         'entry_namespace' => $namespace,
         'entry_key' => $key,
         'entry_value' => serialize($value)

Well, that should be rather obvious: First argument is the table name to insert a row into, second argument is an array of key/value pairs. All keys are quoted to field names and all values are quoted to string values.

It is possible to add another array as third argument to specify how single values are quoted. This is useful if date or numbers or similar should be inserted. The example below quotes the first value to an integer and the second one to a string:

// INSERT INTO `sys_log` (`userid`, `details`) VALUES (42, 'klaus')
         'userid' => (int)$userId,
         'details' => (string)$details,

insert() returns the number of affected rows. Guess what? That's the number 1 ... In case something goes wrong a \Doctrine\DBAL\DBALException is raised.


A list of allowed field types for proper quoting can be found in the TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\Connection class and its base class \Doctrine\DBAL\Connection


INSERT multiple rows at once:

// use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Utility\GeneralUtility;
// use TYPO3\CMS\Core\Database\ConnectionPool;
$connection = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
      [(int)$userId, (string)$details1],
      [(int)$userId, (string)$details2],

First argument is the table to insert table into, second argument is an array of rows, third argument is the list of field names. Similar to ->insert() it is optionally possible to add another argument to specify quoting details, if omitted, everything will be quoted to strings.


mysql is rather forgiving when it comes to insufficient field quoting: Inserting a string to an int field will not raise an error and mysql will adapt internally. However, other dbms are not that relaxed and may raise errors. It is good practice to specify field types for each field, especially if they are not strings. Doing so right away will reduce the number of raised bugs if people run your extension an anything else than mysql.


Create and execute an UPDATE statement. The example from FAL's ResourceStorage sets a storage to offline:

// UPDATE `sys_file_storage` SET `is_online` = 0 WHERE `uid` = '42'
      ['is_online' => 0],
      ['uid' => (int)$this->getUid()],

First argument is the table an update should be executed on, the second argument is an array of key/value pairs to set, the third argument is an array of "equal" where statements that are combined with AND, the (optional) fourth argument specifies the type of values to be updated similar to ->insert() and bulkInsert().

Note the third argument WHERE `foo` = 'bar' only supports equal =. For more complex stuff the QueryBuilder has to be used.

The method returns the number of affected rows.


Execute a DELETE query using equal conditions in WHERE, example from BackendUtility to mark rows as no longer locked by a user:

// DELETE FROM `sys_lockedrecords` WHERE `userid` = 42
      ['userid' => (int)42],

First argument is the table name, second argument is a list of AND combined WHERE conditions as array, third argument specifies the quoting of WHERE values. There is a pattern ;)


TYPO3 CMS uses a "soft delete" approach for many tables. Instead of directly deleting a rows in the database, a field - often called deleted - is set from 0 to 1. Executing a DELETE query circumvents this and really removes rows from a table. For most tables, it is better to use the DataHandler API to handle deletes instead of executing such low level queries directly.


Empty a table, removing all rows. Usually much quicker than a ->delete() of all rows. This typically resets "auto increment primary keys" to zero. Use with care:

// TRUNCATE `cache_treelist`


A COUNT query. Again, this methods becomes handy if very simple COUNT statements are to be executed, the example returns tha number of active rows from table tt_content that have their bodytext field set to klaus:

// FROM `tt_content`
//     (`bodytext` = 'klaus')
//     AND (
//         (`tt_content`.`deleted` = 0)
//         AND (`tt_content`.`hidden` = 0)
//         AND (`tt_content`.`starttime` <= 1475621940)
//         AND ((`tt_content`.`endtime` = 0) OR (`tt_content`.`endtime` > 1475621940))
//     )
$connection = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getConnectionForTable('tt_content');
$rowCount = $connection->count(
   ['bodytext' => 'klaus']

First argument is the field to count on, usually * or uid. Second argument is the table name, third argument is an array of WHERE equal conditions combined with AND.


  • ->count() of Connection returns the number directly as integer, in contrast to the method of the QueryBuilder, there is no need to call ->fetchColumns(0) or similar.

  • The third argument expects all WHERE values to be strings, each single expression is combined with AND.

  • The RestrictionBuilder kicks in and adds additional WHERE conditions based on TCA settings.

  • Field names and values are quoted automatically.

  • If anything more complex than a simple equal condition on WHERE is needed, the QueryBuilder methods are a better choice: Next to ->select(), the ->count() query is often the least useful method of the Connection object.


Creates and executes a simple SELECT query based on equal conditions. Its usage is limited, the RestrictionBuilder kicks in and key/value pairs are automatically quoted:

// SELECT `entry_key`, `entry_value` FROM `sys_registry` WHERE `entry_namespace` = 'my_extension'
$resultRows = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)
      ['entry_key', 'entry_value'],
      ['entry_namespace' => 'my_extension']


  • In contrast to the other short-hand methods, ->select() returns a Statement object ready to ->fetch() single rows or to ->fetchAll()

  • The method accepts a series of further arguments to specify GROUP BY, ORDER BY, LIMIT and OFFSET query parts.

  • For non-trivial SELECT queries, it is often better to switch to the according method of the QueryBuilder object.

  • The RestrictionBuilder adds default WHERE restrictions. If those restrictions do not apply to the query needs, it is required to switch to the QueryBuilder->select() method for fine-grained WHERE manipulation.


The QueryBuilder should not be re-used for multiple different queries. However, it sometimes becomes handy to first fetch a Connection object for a specific table and to execute a simple query, and to create a QueryBuilder for a more complex query from this connection object later. The methods usefulness is limited however and no good example within the core can be found at the time of this writing.

The method can be helpful in loops to save some precious code characters, too:

$connection = GeneralUtility::makeInstance(ConnectionPool::class)->getConnectionForTable($myTable);
foreach ($someList as $aListValue) {
   $myResult = $connection->createQueryBuilder