TYPO3 v8 has reached its end-of-life March 31st, 2020 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.
There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.
This is the elements and their nesting in the locallang-XML format.
Elements nesting other elements ("Array" elements):¶
All elements defined here cannot contain any string value but must contain another set of elements.
(In a PHP array this corresponds to saying that all these elements must be arrays.)
Element |
Description |
Child elements |
<T3locallang> |
Document tag |
<meta> <data> <orig_hash> <orig_text> |
<meta> |
Contains meta data about the locallang-XML file. Used in translation, but not inside TYPO3 directly. |
<labelContext> <description> <type> <csh_table> |
<data> |
Contains the data for translations Note The contents in the <data> tag is all that is needed for labels inside TYPO3. Everything else is meta information for the translation tool! |
<languageKey> |
<orig_hash> |
Contains hash-integers for each translated label of the default label at the point of translation. This is used to determine if the default label has changed since the translation was made. |
<languageKey> |
<orig_text> |
Contains the text of the default label that was the basis of the translated version! The original text is used to show a diff between the original base of the translation and the new default text so a translator can quickly see what has changed. |
<languageKey> |
<languageKey> |
Array of labels for a language. The "index" attribute contains language key. There are two cases in the context "<data>" to note:
<label> Alternatively, when used under <data> it can be a string pointing to an external "include file"! |
<labelContext> |
Array of context descriptions of the default labels. The "index" attribute contains label key |
<label> |
Elements containing values ("Value" elements):¶
All elements defined here must contain a string value and no other XML tags whatsoever!
All values are in utf-8.
(In a PHP array this corresponds to saying that all these elements must be strings or integers.)
Element |
Format |
Description |
<label> (under <data>) |
string |
Value of a original/translated label. The "index" attribute contains label key. |
<label> (under <orig_hash>) |
integer |
Hash of a translated label. The "index" attribute contains label key. |
<label> (under <orig_text>) |
string |
Original default value of a translated label used for making a diff if the original has changed. The "index" attribute contains label key. |
<label> (child of <labelContext>) |
string |
Description of a default labels context. This should be used where it cannot be clear for the translation where the default labels occur. Sometimes the context is important for the translator in order to translate correctly. The "index" attribute contains label key. |
<description> |
string |
Description of the file contents. |
<type> |
string |
Type of content. Possible values are:
<csh_table> |
string |
(Only when the type is "CSH"!) For CSH it is important to know what "table" the labels belong to. A "table" in the context of CSH is an identification of a group of labels. This can be an actual table name (containing all CSH for a single table) or it can be module names etc. with a prefix to determine type. See CSH section in "Inside TYPO3" for more details. Examples: <csh_table>xMOD_csh_corebe</csh_table> (General Core CSH)
<csh_table>_MOD_tools_em</csh_table> (For Extension Mgm. module)
<csh_table>pages</csh_table> (For "pages" table)
External include files contains a sub-set of the tags of the <T3locallang> format. Basically they contain the <data>, <orig_hash> and <orig_text> tags but with "<languageKey>" tags inside only for the specific language they used.
When the include file is read the information for the selected language key is read from each of the three tags and merged into the internal array.
Element |
Description |
Child elements |
<T3locallangExt> |
Document tag for the external include files of "<T3locallang>" |
<data> <orig_hash> <orig_text> |
<data> |
See <data> element of <T3locallang> above. |
<orig_hash> |
See <data> element of <T3locallang> above. |
<orig_text> |
See <data> element of <T3locallang> above. |
Example: locallang-XML file for a backend module¶
This example shows a standard locallang-XML file for a backend module.
Notice how the <orig_hash>
section is included which means that
translators can spot if an original label changes. However the
section would have been needed if translators were
supposed to also see the difference. But typically that is not enabled
since it takes a lot of space up.
<meta type="array">
<description>Standard Module labels for Extension Development Evaluator</description>
<labelContext type="array"/>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index="mlang_tabs_tab">ExtDevEval</label>
<label index="mlang_labels_tabdescr">The Extension Development Evaluator tool.</label>
<languageKey index="dk" type="array">
<label index="mlang_tabs_tab">ExtDevEval</label>
<label index="mlang_labels_tabdescr">Evalueringsværktøj til udvikling af extensions.</label>
<orig_hash type="array">
<languageKey index="dk" type="array">
<label index="mlang_tabs_tab" type="integer">114927868</label>
<label index="mlang_labels_tabdescr" type="integer">187879914</label>
Example: locallang-XML file (CSH) with reference to external include file¶
The main XML file looks like this. Notice the tag csh_table
has a
value which is important for CSH content so it can be positioned in
the right category.
In the <data>
section you can see all default labels. But notice how
the value for the "dk" translation is a reference to an external file!
The contents of that file is shown below this listing.
<meta type="array">
<description>CSH for Web>Info module(s) (General Framework)</description>
<labelContext type="array"/>
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="default" type="array">
<label index=".alttitle">Web > Info module</label>
<label index=".description">The idea of the Web>Info ...</label>
<label index=".details">Conceptually the Web>Info mod...functionality.</label>
<label index="_.seeAlso">_MOD_web_func,</label>
<label index="_.image">EXT:lang/cshimages/pagetree_overview_10.png</label>
<label index=".image_descr">The Web>Info module a.... "info_pagetsconfig".</label>
<languageKey index="dk">EXT:csh_dk/lang/dk.locallang_csh_web_info.xml</languageKey>
The include file (for "dk") looks like below.
<data type="array">
<languageKey index="dk" type="array">
<label index="pagetree_overview.alttitle">Sidetræ overblik</label>
<orig_hash type="array">
<languageKey index="dk" type="array">
<label index="pagetree_overview.alttitle" type="integer">92312309</label>
<orig_text type="array">
<languageKey index="dk" type="array">
<label index="pagetree_overview.alttitle">Pagetree Overview</label>