TYPO3 v8 has reached its end-of-life March 31st, 2020 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.
There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.
This is the second step of the processing chain: The rendering part gets the data array prepared
by FormDataCompiler
and creates a result array containing HTML, CSS and JavaScript. This
is then post-processed by a controller to feed it to the PageRenderer
or to create an ajax
The rendering is a tree: The controller intitializes this by setting one container
as renderType
entry point within the data array, then hands over the full data array to the NodeFactory
which looks
up a class responsible for this renderType
, and calls render() on it. A container class creates only
a fraction of the full result, and delegates details to another container. The second one does another detail
and calls a third one. This continues to happen until a single field should be rendered, at which point an
element class is called taking care of one element.
Each container creates some "outer" part of the result, calls some sub-container or element, merges the sub-result with its own content and returns the merged array up again. The data array is given to each sub class along the way, and containers can add further render relevant data to it before giving it "down". The data array can not be given "up" in a changed way again. Inheritance of a data array is always top-bottom. Only HTML, CSS or JavaScript created by a sub-class is returned by the sub-class "up" again in a "result" array of a specified format.
class SomeContainer extends AbstractContainer
public function render()
$result = $this->initializeResultArray();
$data = $this->data;
$data['renderType'] = 'subContainer';
$childArray = $this->nodeFactory->create($data)->render();
$resultArray = $this->mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult($result, $childArray, false);
$result['html'] = '<h1>A headline</h1>' . $childArray['html'];
return $result;
Above example lets NodeFactory
find and compile some data from "subContainer", and merges the child result
with its own. The helper methods initializeResultArray()
and mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult()
help with combining CSS and JavaScript.
An upper container does not directly create an instance of a sub node (element or container) and never calls it
directly. Instead, a node that wants to call a sub node only refers to it by a name, sets this name into the data
array as $data['renderType']
and then gives the data array to the NodeFactory
which determines
an appropriate class name, instantiates and initializes the class, gives it the data array, and calls render()
on it.
The SingleFieldContainer
and FlexFormElementContainer
will probably vanish with core version 9.
Data set by containers and given down to children will likely change in core version 9: All fields not registered
in the main data array of FormDataCompiler
and only added within containers will move into section
. Furthermore, it is planned to remove parameterArray
and substitute it with something
better. This will affect most elements and will probably break a lot of these elements.
Class inheritance¶
All classes must implement NodeInterface
to be routed through the NodeFactory
. The AbstractNode
implements some basic helpers for nodes, the two classes AbstractContainer
and AbstractFormElement
implement helpers for containers and elements respectively.
The call concept is simple: A first container is called, which either calls a container below or a single element. A single element never calls a container again.
The NodeFactory
plays an important abstraction role within the render chain: Creation of child nodes is
always routed through it, and the NodeFactory takes care of finding and validating the according class that
should be called for a specific renderType
. This is supported by an API that allows registering new
renderTypes and overriding existing renderTypes with own implementations. This is true for all classes,
including containers, elements, fieldInformation, fieldWizards and fieldControls. This means the child routing
can be fully adapted and extended if needed. It is possible to transparently "kick-out" a core container and to
substitute it with an own implementation.
As example, the TemplaVoila implementation needs to add additional render capabilities of the flex form rendering to add for instance an own multi-language rendering of flex fields. It does that by overriding the default flex container with own implementation:
// Default registration of "flex" in NodeFactory:
// 'flex' => \TYPO3\CMS\Backend\Form\Container\FlexFormEntryContainer::class,
// Register language aware flex form handling in FormEngine
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['formEngine']['nodeRegistry'][1443361297] = [
'nodeName' => 'flex',
'priority' => 40,
'class' => \TYPO3\CMS\Compatibility6\Form\Container\FlexFormEntryContainer::class,
This re-routes the renderType
"flex" to an own class. If multiple registrations for a single renderType exist,
the one with highest priority wins.
The NodeFactory
uses $data['renderType']
. This has been introduced with core version 7 in TCA, and
a couple of TCA fields actively use this renderType. However, it is important to understand the renderType is only
used within the FormEngine and type
is still a must-have setting for columns fields in TCA. Additionally,
can not be overridden in columnsOverrides
. Basically, type
specifies how the DataHandler
should put data into the database, while renderType
specifies how a single field is rendered. This additionally
means there can exist multiple different renderTypes for a single type, and it means it is possible to invent a new
renderType to render a single field differently, but still let the DataHandler persist it the usual way.
Adding a new renderType in ext_localconf.php
// Add new field type to NodeFactory
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['formEngine']['nodeRegistry'][1487112284] = [
'nodeName' => 'selectTagCloud',
'priority' => '70',
'class' => \MyVendor\CoolTagCloud\Form\Element\SelectTagCloudElement::class,
And use it in TCA for a specific field, keeping the full database functionality in DataHandler together with the data preparation of FormDataCompiler, but just routing the rendering of that field to the new element:
$GLOBALS['TCA']['myTable']['columns']['myField'] = [
'label' => 'Cool Tag cloud',
'config' => [
'type' => 'select',
'renderType' => 'selectTagCloud',
'foreign_table' => 'tx_cooltagcloud_availableTags',
The above examples are a static list of nodes that can be changed by settings in ext_localconf.php
. If that
is not enough, the NodeFactory
can be extended with a resolver that is called dynamically for specific renderTypes.
This resolver gets the full current data array at runtime and can either return NULL
saying "not my job", or return
the name of a class that should handle this node.
An example of this are the core internal rich text editors. Both "ckeditor" and "rtehtmlarea" register a resolver class
that are called for node name "text", and if the TCA config enables the editor, and if the user has enabled rich text
editing in his user settings, then the resolvers return their own RichTextElement
class names to render a given text
// Register FormEngine node type resolver hook to render RTE in FormEngine if enabled
$GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SYS']['formEngine']['nodeResolver'][1480314091] = [
'nodeName' => 'text',
'priority' => 50,
'class' => \TYPO3\CMS\RteCKEditor\Form\Resolver\RichTextNodeResolver::class,
The trick is here that "ckeditor" registers his resolver with ah higher priority (50) than "rtehtmlarea" (40), so the "ckeditor" resolver is called first and wins if both extensions are loaded and if both return a valid class name.
Result array¶
Each node, no matter if it is a container, an element, or a node expansion,
must return an array with specific data keys it wants to add. It is the job of the parent node that calls the sub node to
merge child node results into its own result. This typically happens by merging $childResult['html']
into an appropriate position of own HTML, and then calling $this->mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult()
to add
other array child demands like stylesheetFiles
into its own result.
Container and element nodes should use the helper method $this->initializeResultArray()
have a result array initialized that is understood by a parent node.
Only if extending existing element via node expansion, the result array
of a child can be slightly different. For instance, a FieldControl
"wizards" must have a iconIdentifier
result key key. Using $this->initializeResultArray()
is not appropriate in these cases but depends on the specific
expansion type. See below for more details on node expansion.
The result array for container and element nodes looks like this. $resultArray = $this->initializeResultArray()
takes care of basic keys:
'html' => '',
'additionalInlineLanguageLabelFiles' => [],
'stylesheetFiles' => [],
'requireJsModules' => [],
CSS and language labels (which can be used in JS) are added with their file names in format EXT:extName/path/to/file
JavaScript is added only via RequireJS modules, the registration allows an init method to be called if the
module is loaded by the browser.
The result array handled by $this->mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult()
contains a couple of more keys, those
will vanish with further FormEngine refactoring steps. If using them, be prepared to adapt extensions later.
Node expansion¶
The "node expansion" classes FieldControl
, FieldInformation
and FieldWizard
are called by containers
and elements and allow "enriching" containers and elements. Which enrichments are called can be configured via TCA.
This API is the substitution of the old "TCA wizards array" and has been introduced with core version 8.
- FieldInformation
Additional information. In elements, their output is shown between the field label and the element itself. They can not add functionality, but only simple and restricted HTML strings. No buttons, no images. An example usage could be an extension that auto-translates a field content and outputs an information like "Hey, this field was auto-filled for you by an automatic translation wizard. Maybe you want to check the content".
- FieldWizard
Wizards shown below the element. "enrich" an element with additional functionality. The localization wizard and the file upload wizard of
fields are examples of that.- FieldControl
"Buttons", usually shown next to the element. For
the "list" button and the "element browser" button are examples. A field control must return an icon identifier.
Currently, all elements usually implement all three of these, except in cases where it does not make sense. This API allows
adding functionality to single nodes, without overriding the whole node. Containers and elements can come with default
expansions (and usually do). TCA configuration can be used to add own stuff. On container side the implementation is still
basic, only OuterWrapContainer
and InlineControlContainer
currently implement FieldInformation and FieldWizard.
See the TCA reference ctrl section for more information on how to configure these for containers in TCA.
Example. The InputTextElement
(standard input element) defines a couple of default wizards and embeds them in its
main result HTML:
class InputTextElement extends AbstractFormElement
protected $defaultFieldWizard = [
'localizationStateSelector' => [
'renderType' => 'localizationStateSelector',
'otherLanguageContent' => [
'renderType' => 'otherLanguageContent',
'after' => [
'defaultLanguageDifferences' => [
'renderType' => 'defaultLanguageDifferences',
'after' => [
public function render()
$resultArray = $this->initializeResultArray();
$fieldWizardResult = $this->renderFieldWizard();
$fieldWizardHtml = $fieldWizardResult['html'];
$resultArray = $this->mergeChildReturnIntoExistingResult($resultArray, $fieldWizardResult, false);
$mainFieldHtml = [];
$mainFieldHtml[] = '<div class="form-control-wrap">';
$mainFieldHtml[] = '<div class="form-wizards-wrap">';
$mainFieldHtml[] = '<div class="form-wizards-element">';
// Main HTML of element done here ...
$mainFieldHtml[] = '</div>';
$mainFieldHtml[] = '<div class="form-wizards-items-bottom">';
$mainFieldHtml[] = $fieldWizardHtml;
$mainFieldHtml[] = '</div>';
$mainFieldHtml[] = '</div>';
$mainFieldHtml[] = '</div>';
$resultArray['html'] = implode(LF, $mainFieldHtml);
return $resultArray;
This element defines three wizards to be called by default. The renderType
concept is re-used, the
values localizationStateSelector
are registered within the NodeFactory
and resolve to class names. They
can be overridden and extended like all other nodes. The $defaultFieldWizards
are merged with TCA settings
by the helper method renderFieldWizards()
, which uses the DependencyOrderingService
It is possible to:
Override existing expansion nodes with own ones from extensions, even using the resolver mechanics is possible.
It is possible to disable single wizards via TCA
It is possible to add own expansion nodes at any position relative to the other nodes by specifying "before" and "after" in TCA.