
Display Records Plugin

This is the main plugin for displaying records through TypoTonic. It can be used to display either records in a list or show detailed information of a record. It delivers different methods for displaying records.



Plugin Type

This selects the type of which data is injected to the fluid template. It can be one of the following:

List Multiple Records injected to {records}
Detail Fixed Record from selection is injected to {record}
Dynamic Detail Dynamic injected record from Url Parameter to {record}
Raw Fluid Use the power of TYPO3 Fluid as usual without implementing a record through some selection. This option lets you show fluid code and injects variables without records

Please select a datatype for the records you want to show in the plugin.


This configuration only shows up in the single record context plugin type, such as List or Detail

Page for Detail View

Records can be linked to a detail page which has a “Dynamic Detail” Plugin. The Detail View PageId is configurable with fluid conditions. A configured detail page will be used when the according condition is valid.

Conditions are valid when they are empty or the expression is valid.

To link a record, you can use a TypoTonic ViewHelper:

<t:link.record record="{record}" pageUid="{detailPid}" additionalParams="{paramOne:'One'}">{record.title}</t:link.record>

See the ViewHelpers section for more information about the available TypoTonic ViewHelpers.

Record Storage Page

Please select the record storage page where the records are stored.

Field/Value Filter Settings

Available Markers

If you selected variables to inject, you will get an information here, of what markers are available for you fluid code.

Filter Condition

You can build a filter for selecting the records, that will be shown in the frontend. Adding filters will modify the Query Builder to fetch only the data, you want.

Condition for activating the filter (Fluid)

Please enter a filter condition, when the filter needs to be activated under different circumstances. When leaving the condition empty, the filter is automatically activated.

Conditions are valid when they are empty or the expression is valid.


Repository Settings


Limits the count of displayed record to the value, you have configured in this field.


You can configure multiple sortings by adding new configurations in this field. Each sorting configuration can be activated though a variable (e.g. GET/POST) and offers you the possibility to create multiple sorting configurations that can be combined.

Condition for activating the filter (Fluid)

Please enter a filter condition, when the filter needs to be activated under different circumstances. When leaving the condition empty, the filter is automatically activated.

Conditions are valid when they are empty or the expression is valid.

Here is an example on how to configure a default sorting and changing the sorting direction, when the page gets an parameter “argument” ?argument=title-down (The variable “argument” has to be created and assigned in the plugin settings)


Template Settings

Template Selection

The fluid templates for TypoTonic. Record(s) and Variables will be injected automatically. You can either manually select a template file or select a predefined template. There is also a way to switch templates on certain conditions with the help of the template variables.

Template Selection Description
Debug Template Show debugging information (Default)
Select a custom template path You can select a file in your filesystem
Enter custom fluid code The code, you can enter in the Fluid Field will be used for rendering
Your configured template If you configured templates in TypoScript, these will appear in the dropdown after the above mentioned options
Render this Template without Sitetemplate

If this option is set, the complete output of this plugin will showed without rendering the whole site template. Everything else, located on this page will be ignored in the output.

Template Switch

This setting gives you the possibility to use different templates on conditions. The condition is written in fluid. If a condition matches, the selected template will be used instead of the above selected template in ‘Template Selection’.

Variable Injection

Select the variables, that will be injected into the fluid template. When condition-fields are shown, you will get an information above, what variables are available.


The overrides can be used to override plugin setting with variables. When a variable exists and contains information, the override will directly be used.

Developer Settings


When activated, debugging information about the SQL Query is shown above the rendered page.

Custom Headers

With this option, you are able to send and overwrite the headers of the response. This adds the possibility to generate XML or JSON Files if you set the Content-Type header or to force a download by using Content-Disposition