iterator.column ViewHelper <vhs:iterator.column>
Iterator Column Extraction ViewHelper¶
Implementation of array_column
for Fluid.
Accepts an input iterator/array and creates a new array using values from one column and optionally keys from another column.
Usage examples¶
<!-- Given input array of user data arrays with "name" and "uid" column: -->
<f:for each="{users -> v:iterator.column(columnKey: 'name', indexKey: 'uid')}" as="username" key="uid">
User {username} has UID {uid}.
The above demonstrates the logic of the ViewHelper, but the
example itself of course gives the same result as just iterating
the users
variable itself and outputting {user.username}
but the real power of the ViewHelper comes when using it to feed
other ViewHelpers with data sets:
Given same input array as above. Idea being that *any* iterator
can be supported as input for "options".
Select user: < options="{users -> v:iterator.column(columnKey: 'name', indexKey: 'uid')}" />
<!-- Given same input array as above. Idea being to output all user UIDs as CSV -->
All UIDs: {users -> v:iterator.column(columnKey: 'uid') -> v:iterator.implode()}
<!-- Given same input array as above. Idea being to output all unique users' countries as a list: -->
Our users live in the following countries:
{users -> v:iterator.column(columnKey: 'countryName')
-> v:iterator.unique()
-> v:iterator.implode(glue: ' - ')}
Note that the ViewHelper also supports the "as" argument which allows you to not return the new array but instead assign it as a new template variable - like any other "as"-capable ViewHelper.
This ViewHelper passes the subject directly to array_column
as such it does not support dotted paths in either key argument
to extract sub-properties. That means it does not support Extbase
enties as input unless you explicitly implemented `ArrayAccess` on
the model of the entity and even then support is limited to first
level properties' values without dots in their names.
- DataType
- Required
- Description
Input to work on - Array/Traversable/...
- DataType
- Required
- Description
Name of the column whose values will become the value of the new array
- DataType
- Required
- Description
Name of the column whose values will become the index of the new array
- DataType
- Required
- Description
Template variable name to assign; if not specified the ViewHelper returns the variable instead.