Using static_info_tables for country selection
- Install Extension static_info_tables
- Install Extension static_info_tables(_de)(_fr)(_pl) etc... for localized country names
- Import Records of the extensions via Extension Manager (see manual of static_info_tables)
- Clear Cache
- Copy all Partials from femanager to a fileadmin folder
- Set the new Partial Path via Constants: plugin.tx_femanager.view.partialRootPath = fileadmin/femanager/Partials/
- Open Partial Fields/Country.html and activate static_info_tables (see notes in HTML-File)
Details for Partial Country.html
The idea is very simple. You can change the “options Attribute” of the ViewHelper:
additionalAttributes="{femanager:Validation.FormValidationData(settings:'{settings}',fieldName:'country')}" />
The GetCountriesFromStaticInfoTables-ViewHelper
Possible options for this ViewHelper are:
Name |
Description |
Default Value |
Example Value |
key |
Define the Record Column of static_countries table which should be used for storing to fe_users country Note: Please use lowerCamelCase Writing for Fieldnames |
isoCodeA3 |
isoCodeA2 |
value |
Define the Record Column of static_countries table which should be visible in selection in femanager Note: Please use lowerCamelCase Writing for Fieldnames |
officialNameLocal |
shortNameFr |
sortbyField |
Define the Record Column of static_countries which should be used for a sorting Note: Please use lowerCamelCase Writing for Fieldnames |
isoCodeA3 |
shortNameDe |
sorting |
Could be 'asc' or 'desc' for Ascending or Descending Sorting |
asc |
desc |
Some Examples are: