
Best Practices & HowTos | All Features

Best Practices & HowTos

See some features or best practice parts of the extension femanager.

All Features

Frontend-User Registration

  • One step registration with autologin
  • Main configuration with Flexform
  • User confirmation (Double-Opt In) (optional)
  • Administration confirmation (optional)
  • Refuse and Silent Refuse
  • Fill email field with username (optional)
  • Redirect with TypoScript standardWrap (optional)
  • Prefill Formfields via TypoScript standardWrap (optional)
  • Multiple Validation Possibilities (JavaScript and PHP) (required, email, min, max, intOnly, lettersOnly, unicodeLettersOnly, uniqueInPage, uniqueInDb, mustInclude(number,letter,special), inList(1,2,3))
  • Same PHP Methods for JavaScript and PHP Validation
  • Simply extend validation methods with your extension
  • Override a lot of Email settings with TypoScript if needed
  • Set mail attachments or embeded images
  • Override field values on every single step (e.g. push user to usergroup1 and if he is ready confimed push him to usergroup2)
  • Send user values to a third party software (e.g. a CRM like salesforce)
  • Store values in other database tables (e.g. tt_address)
  • Add Captcha (sr_freecap) for spam prevention

Edit Profile

  • Main configuration with Flexform
  • Administration confirmation for change request (optional)
  • Refuse and Silent Refuse
  • Fill email field with username (optional)
  • Prefill Formfields via TypoScript standardWrap (optional)
  • Multiple Validation Possibilities (JavaScript and PHP) (required, email, min, max, intOnly, lettersOnly, unicodeLettersOnly, uniqueInPage, uniqueInDb, mustInclude(number,letter,special), inList(1,2,3))
  • Same PHP Methods for JavaScript and PHP Validation
  • Simply extend validation methods with your extension
  • Override a lot of Email settings with TypoScript if needed
  • Set mail attachments or embeded images
  • Delete profile with TypoScript redirect


  • Admin could create a new User in Frontend
  • The new user receives a mail with a secured link, which leads to a password generation form
  • Same validations as in edit and new
  • A lot of configuration possibilities with TypoScript

Backend Module

  • Fulltext search for fe_users
  • Hide and delete of fe_users via AJAX
  • Shows Login status
  • Logout of a frontend user


  • Logging of every change
  • Saltedpasswords support
  • List FE-Users in the frontend
  • Show a user profile in frontend
  • jQuery include must activate via constants (per default no extra jQuery inclusion)
  • Show fe_user crdate and tstamp for editors
  • Store values in other database tables (e.g. tt_address)
  • Save password as md5 or sha1 per default
  • HTML with twitter bootstrap classes to reduce integration time
  • Supports static_info_tables
  • Extend this extension with new validators or new fields in fe_users (see example in best practice section) or use some SignalSlots
  • Extension uses namespaces (so TYPO3 version 6.0 or higher is needed)