Installation and Configuration

Quick Guide | Step by Step |

Quick Guide

  1. Get it via composer composer require in2code/femanager OR
  2. Import extension from TYPO3 Extension Repository (TER)
  3. Make your extension configuration in the Backend Module "Settings"
  4. Include static template to your main TypoScript template
  5. Make your configuration in the Constants Editor (e.g. include jQuery or Twitter Bootstrap)
  6. Add a new page with the Frontend Plugin and make your settings (e.g. for Registration)
  7. Don't forget to set the startpage in the Content Element (the page where the fe_users should be stored)
  8. Setup the hashing algorithm in the TypoScript Setup (see settings passwordSave)
  9. It's recommended to use https on the page with registration form, to secure registration and validation via AJAX
  10. Done

Step by Step

Extension Configuration



Data Type


Default Value



Disable Backend Module: You can deactivate the Backend Module if you don't need it



Enable confirmation view: Enable a special confirmation view in Backend Module



Disable Log: If you don't want to save each change of an fe_user, you can disable the logfile

Plugin Configuration

Since v12 there are now different frontend plugins for the different views. You can choose between: - Registration (femanager_registration) - Edit (femanager_edit) - List (femanager_list) - Detail (femanager_detail) - Invitation (femanager_invitation) - Resend Confirmation Mail (femanager_resendconfirmationmail)


Plugin Configuration

Explanation Plugin Settings - Registration


Field Name


Default Value


Select Fields for New-Form (empty = all fields)

Define which fields should be shown in the registration form in Frontend. Empty shows all fields.



Select Usergroups for new Users

Define the usergroup(s) for the new registered user. Alternative define it via TypoScript or let the User decide which group is the right one.



Registration must be confirmed from sender

If you check this field, the user has to confirm his registration with a link in a mail. This Double-Opt-In ensures that the email is correct.


Registration must be confirmed from an admin (add one ore more emails)

Add one ore more emails (one per line) if the admin should confirm the registration. This can be combined with the “User Confirmation” field.



Notify admin on registration (add one or more emails)

Notify one or more email receivers (one per line) if a new user was completely registered


Additional Settings

Page with terms and conditions

Choose the page where your terms and conditions are stored.


Explanation Plugin Settings - Edit

Field Name


Default Value

Select Fields for Edit-Form (empty = all fields)

Define which fields should be shown in the profile-update-form in Frontend. Empty shows all fields.


Show Delete Button in Edit Form

Renders a delete-Profile-Button in Edit view if checked.

Profile update must be confirmed from an admin (add one ore more emails)

Add one ore more emails (one per line) if the admin should confirm the profile-update.


Notify admin on Profile update (add one ore more emails)

Add one ore more emails (one per line) if the admin should be informed on a profile-update.


Explanation Plugin Settings - List

Field Name


Default Value

Show Searchfield

Displays a Search in Frontend


Set a maximum limit for the FE-List


Order by

Order by a fe_users field



Order Ascending or Descending


Show from usergroup (empty = show all)

Filter List by one or more Usergroups


Explanation Plugin Settings - Detail

Field Name


Default Value

User to show

Select one user for the detail view. This can be left empty if this view is only visited from list view.


Explanation Plugin Settings - Invitation


Field Name


Default Value


Restrict "Add Invitation" to one or more Usergroups (empty = No Restriction)

Restrict invitation form to a usergroup. Only users of this groups can invite new users (maybe an admin usergroup).



Select Fields for invitation-Form (empty = all fields)

Define which fields should be shown in the invitation form in Frontend. Empty shows all fields.



Select Usergroups for new Users

Define the usergroup(s) for the new registered user. Alternative define it via TypoScript or let the User decide which group is the right one.



Notify admin on step 1 (add one ore more emails)

Add one ore more emails (one per line) if the admin should be informed on a user creation in step 1.



Notify admin if user sets a password (add one ore more emails)

Add one ore more emails (one per line) if the admin should be informed on a user creation in step 2 (password set by user).


Additional Settings

Add an internal link to a page with terms and conditions

Will be used for rendering the checkbox that asks the visitor to check that he/she accepted the terms for the registration


FE Users Record


fe_users Record

New Fields in FE-Users Records


Field Name


Default Value


Creation Time

Date and Time when this profile was created.


Last profile change at

Date and Time when this profile was changed at the last time.


Registration confirmed by user

Was this profile confirmed by the user?


Registration confirmed by admin

Was this profile confirmed by the admin?


FE_user Log

Logs every femanager-change on this profile



Change Request

This field is needed, if the admin has to confirm a profile update. All fields that should be updated will be stored with an XML in this field.


TypoScript Configuration


Constants Editor


You always find this constants in the file EXT:femanager/Configuration/TypoScript/Main/constants.txt

Constants can be easily changed with the Template Backend-Module (Constants Editor)

There are only a couple of constants in femanager. This is only for the main settings. Please have a look into the TypoScript Setup, if you want to configure more stuff.


plugin.tx_femanager {
    view {
        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager/file; type=string; label= Path to template root (FE)
        templateRootPath = EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Templates/

        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager/file; type=string; label= Path to template partials (FE)
        partialRootPath = EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Partials/

        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager/file; type=string; label= Path to template layouts (FE)
        layoutRootPath = EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Layouts/
    persistence {
        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager//a; type=int+; label= Default storage PID
        storagePid =
    settings {
        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager//0100; type=text; label= Admin Name: Default admin name for all emails to the user
        adminName = Femanager

        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager//0101; type=text; label= Admin Email: Default admin email for all emails to the user
        adminEmail =

        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager//0200; type=text; label= Upload folder: Define where to save images of the users
        uploadFolder = fileadmin/users/

        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager//0900; type=boolean; label= Include jQuery: Load and implement jQuery from external source (
        jQuery = 0

        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager//0910; type=boolean; label= Include Twitter Bootstrap JS: Load and implement Twitter Bootstrap JavaScript from external source (
        bootstrap = 0

        # cat=plugin.tx_femanager//0920; type=boolean; label= Include Twitter Bootstrap CSS: Load and implement Twitter Bootstrap CSS from external source (
        bootstrapCSS = 0


You always find this TypoScript in the file EXT:femanager/Configuration/TypoScript/Main/setup.txt

With TypoScript, you are able to:

  • Configure Clientside and Serverside Validation
  • Overwrite any Mail setting
  • Prefill Formfields
  • Save the values to another table (e.g. tt_address)
  • Send values to a third-party-software (e.g. a CRM like salesforce)
  • And much more...

All settings can be configured directly with TypoScript Setup. Please see all possibilities below:


plugin.tx_femanager {
    view {
        templateRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Templates/
            1 = {$plugin.tx_femanager.view.templateRootPath}
        partialRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Partials/
            1 = {$plugin.tx_femanager.view.partialRootPath}
        layoutRootPaths {
            0 = EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Layouts/
            1 = {$plugin.tx_femanager.view.layoutRootPath}
    persistence {
        storagePid = {$plugin.tx_femanager.persistence.storagePid}
    features {
        #skipDefaultArguments = 1
        requireCHashArgumentForActionArguments = 0

    settings {

        # Settings for CREATE user profiles
        new {
            # take username and copy it to the email field (so email field is not necessary in FE)
#			fillEmailWithUsername = 1

            # login after profile creation (don't work if admin confirmation is turned on)
            login = 1

            # prefilling (empty) input fields with values from TypoScript
            prefill {
#				username = TEXT
#				username.value = ExampleUsername

#				email = TEXT
#				email.value =

            # redirect user (or admin if adminconfirmation) after profile creation (could be a PID, URL or fileadmin-Link)
#			redirect = TEXT
#			redirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect user after profile creation request (only if user confirmation is activated) (could be a PID, URL or fileadmin-Link)
#			requestRedirect = TEXT
#			requestRedirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect user after user clicks confirmation link in email (only if user confirmation is activated) (could be a PID, URL or fileadmin-Link)
#			userConfirmationRedirect = TEXT
#			userConfirmationRedirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect user after user clicks refuse link in confirmation email (only if user confirmation is activated) (could be a PID, URL or fileadmin-Link)
#			userConfirmationRefusedRedirect = TEXT
#			userConfirmationRefusedRedirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect admin after admin clicks confirmation link in email (only if admin confirmation is activated) (could be a PID, URL or fileadmin-Link)
#			adminConfirmationRedirect = TEXT
#			adminConfirmationRedirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect admin after admin clicks refuse link in email (only if admin confirmation is activated) (could be a PID, URL or fileadmin-Link)
#			adminConfirmationRefusedRedirect = TEXT
#			adminConfirmationRefusedRedirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect admin after admin clicks silent-refuse link in email (only if admin confirmation is activated) (could be a PID, URL or fileadmin-Link)
#			adminConfirmationRefusedSilentRedirect = TEXT
#			adminConfirmationRefusedSilentRedirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # validation of user input values
            # possible validations for each field are: required, email, min, max, intOnly, lettersOnly, unicodeLettersOnly, uniqueInPage, uniqueInDb, date, mustInclude(number,letter,special,space,uppercase), mustNotInclude(number,letter,uppercase,special,space), inList(1,2,3), captcha, sameAs(password)
            # see manual for an example how to add custom serverside and clientside validation
            validation {
                # Enable clientside Formvalidation (JavaScript)
                _enable.client = 1

                # Enable serverside Formvalidation (PHP)
                _enable.server = 1

                username {
                    required = 1
                    uniqueInDb = 1
                    mustNotInclude = space
                email {
                    required = 1
                    email = 1
                    #uniqueInPage = 1
                password {
                    required = 1
                    #min = 10
                    #mustInclude = number,letter,special
                password_repeat {
                    required = 1
                    sameAs = password
                usergroup {
                    #inList = 1,2,3
                captcha {
                    # requires installation of sr_freecap
#					captcha = 1

            # All email settings within the creation process
            email {

                # Email for User confirmation (User must confirm his Email address)
                createUserConfirmation {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminEmail}
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateUserConfirmationSubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email for Admin confirmation (Admin must confirm registration in an email)
                createAdminConfirmation {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateAdminConfirmationSubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
                    embedImage = COA
                    embedImage {
                        10 = FILES
                        10 {
                            references {
                                table = fe_users
                                fieldName = image
                                uid.field = uid

                            begin = 0
                            maxItems = 1

                            renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
                            renderObj {
                                file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
                                file.maxW = 120
                                file.maxH = 120

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg

                # Email to user to confirm his new profile (with and without admin confirmation)
                createUserNotify {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 0

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminEmail}
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateUserNotifySubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email for User notify, if admin refused profile registration
                createUserNotifyRefused {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminEmail}
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateUserNotifyRefusedSubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email for Admin notify, if profile registration
                createAdminNotify {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailCreateNotifySubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
                    embedImage = COA
                    embedImage {
                        10 = FILES
                        10 {
                            references {
                                table = fe_users
                                fieldName = image
                                uid.field = uid

                            begin = 0
                            maxItems = 1

                            renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
                            renderObj {
                                file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
                                file.maxW = 120
                                file.maxH = 120

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg

            # overwrite any user values with TypoScript
            forceValues {
                # Overwrite initally (default)
                beforeAnyConfirmation {
                    # Usergroups can be set with a commaseparated list
#					usergroup = TEXT
#					usergroup.value = 2

                    # Set a fix value
#					email = TEXT
#					email.value =

                # Overwrite on user confirmation (only if user confirmation was activated)
                onUserConfirmation {
                    # Usergroups can be set with a commaseparated list
#					usergroup = TEXT
#					usergroup.value = 3

                    # Set a fix value
#					company = TEXT
#					company.value =

                # Overwrite on admin confirmation (only if admin confirmation was activated)
                onAdminConfirmation {
                    # Usergroups can be set with a commaseparated list
#					usergroup = TEXT
#					usergroup.value = 4

                    # Set a fix value
#					www = TEXT
#					www.value =

            # Send Form values via POST to another system (e.g. CRM like salesforce or eloqua)
            sendPost {
                # Activate sendPost (0/1)
#				_enable = TEXT
#				_enable.value = 0

                # Target URL for POST values (like
#				targetUrl =

                # build your post datas like &param1=value1&param2=value2
#				data = COA
#				data {
#					10 = TEXT
#					10 {
#						# value from field {username}
#						field = username
#						wrap = &username=|
#                stdWrap.rawUrlEncode = 1
#					}

#					20 = TEXT
#					20 {
#						# value from field {email}
#						field = email
#						wrap = &email=|
#                stdWrap.rawUrlEncode = 1
#					}

#					30 = TEXT
#					30 {
#						# value from field {title}
#						field = title
#						wrap = &title=|
#                stdWrap.rawUrlEncode = 1
#					}
#				}

                # activate debug mode - shows all configuration from curl settings (needs extension devlog)
#				debug = 0

            # Save user values to one or more other tables (e.g. tt_address or something else)
            #       With .field=[fieldname] you have access to the user object
            #       Possible values are: uid, username, address, city, company, country, email, fax, firstName, lastName, middleName, name, password, telephone, fax, title, www, zip and uid_[tablename] (to have access to the uid of one of the last loop)
            storeInDatabase {
#				tt_address {
#					_enable = TEXT
#					_enable.value = 0

#					pid = TEXT
#					pid.value = 21

#					name = TEXT
#					name.field = username

#					email = TEXT
#					email.field = email

#					first_name = TEXT
#					first_name.field = firstName

#					last_name = TEXT
#					last_name.field = lastName
#				}

            misc {
                # Remove Usergroups from Usergroup Selection in Frontend
#				removeFromUserGroupSelection = 2,3

                # initially save password as hash ("Argon2i", "Bcrypt", "Pbkdf2", "Phpass", "Blowfish", "md5", "none" ("sha1" for TYPO3 V8) or empty for extension saltedpasswords - if installed
#				passwordSave = md5

                # Configuration for autogenerated Username and Password
                autogenerate {
                    username {
                        # Length
                        length = 6

                        # Allow uppercase Characters
                        addUpperCase = 0

                        # Allow special Characters
                        addSpecialCharacters = 0
                    password {
                        # Length
                        length = 10

                        # Allow uppercase Characters
                        addUpperCase = 1

                        # Allow special Characters
                        addSpecialCharacters = 1

        # Settings for UPDATE user profiles
        edit {
            # take username and copy it to the email field (so email field is not nessesary in FE)
            #fillEmailWithUsername = 1

            # redirect user (or admin if adminconfirmation) after profile update
#			redirect = TEXT
#			redirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect user after profile update request (only if admin confirmation is activated)
#			requestRedirect = TEXT
#			requestRedirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # prefilling (empty) input fields with values from TypoScript
            prefill {
#				username = TEXT
#				username.value = ExampleUsername

#				email = TEXT
#				email.value =

            # validation of user input values
            # possible validations for each field are: required, email, min, max, intOnly, lettersOnly, unicodeLettersOnly, uniqueInPage, uniqueInDb, date, mustInclude(number,letter,special,space), mustNotInclude(number,letter,special,space), inList(1,2,3), captcha, sameAs(password)
            validation {
                # Enable clientside Formvalidation (JavaScript)
                _enable.client = 1

                # Enable serverside Formvalidation (PHP)
                _enable.server = 1

                username {
                    required = 1
                    mustNotInclude = space
                email {
                    required = 1
                    email = 1
                password {
                    required = 1
                    #min = 10
                    #mustInclude = number,letter,special
                password_repeat {
                    required = 1
                    sameAs = password
                usergroup {
                    #inList = 1,2,3
                captcha {
                    # requires installation of sr_freecap
#					captcha = 1

            # All email settings within the update process
            email {

                # Email for admin if user requests update (only if confirmation by admin is activated)
                updateRequest {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailUpdateRequestSubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email to user if update request was refused by admin
                updateRequestRefused {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receiver (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminEmail}
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailUpdateRequestRefusedSubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5 (from important to not important)
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email for if update request was refused by admin
                notifyAdmin {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receiver (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailUpdateNotifySubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5 (from important to not important)
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

            # overwrite any user values with TypoScript
            forceValues {
                # Overwrite initally (default) - Note: This values will be updated as soon as the admin confirms the request (if admin confirm is activated)
                beforeAnyConfirmation {
                    # Usergroups can be set with a commaseparated list
#					usergroup = TEXT
#					usergroup.value = 2

                    # Set a fix value
#					email = TEXT
#					email.value =

                # Overwrite on admin confirmation (only if admin confirmation was activated)
                onAdminConfirmation {
                    # Usergroups can be set with a commaseparated list
#					usergroup = TEXT
#					usergroup.value = 3

                    # Set a fix value
#					www = TEXT
#					www.value =

            misc {
                # Don't change password if it is empty
                keepPasswordIfEmpty = 1

                # Remove Usergroups from Usergroup Selection in Frontend
#				removeFromUserGroupSelection = 2,3

                # initially save password as hash ("Argon2i", "Bcrypt", "Pbkdf2", "Phpass", "Blowfish", "md5", "none" ("sha1" for TYPO3 V8) or empty for extension saltedpasswords - if installed
#				passwordSave = md5

        # Settings for INVITATION View
        invitation {
            # take username and copy it to the email field (so email field is not nessesary in FE)
            #fillEmailWithUsername = 1

            # redirect admin after step 1
#			redirectStep1 = TEXT
#			redirectStep1 {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect user after profile delete (from email)
#			redirectDelete = TEXT
#			redirectDelete {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # redirect user after he changed his password
#			redirectPasswordChanged = TEXT
#			redirectPasswordChanged {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

            # validation of user input values
            # possible validations for each field are: required, email, min, max, intOnly, lettersOnly, unicodeLettersOnly, uniqueInPage, uniqueInDb, date, mustInclude(number,letter,special,space), mustNotInclude(number,letter,special,space), inList(1,2,3), captcha, sameAs(password)
            # Validation for first Step (Create)
            validation {
                # Enable clientside Formvalidation (JavaScript)
                _enable.client = 1

                # Enable serverside Formvalidation (PHP)
                _enable.server = 1

                username {
                    required = 1
                    uniqueInDb = 1
                    mustNotInclude = space
                email {
                    required = 1
                    email = 1
                usergroup {
                    #inList = 1,2,3
                captcha {
                    # requires installation of sr_freecap
#					captcha = 1
            # Validation for second Step (Edit)
            validationEdit {
                # Enable clientside Formvalidation (JavaScript)
                _enable.client = 1

                # Enable serverside Formvalidation (PHP)
                _enable.server = 1

                password {
                    required = 1
                    #min = 10
                    #mustInclude = number,letter,special
                password_repeat {
                    required = 1
                    sameAs = password

            # All email settings within the update process
            email {

                # Email to user for confirmation
                invitation {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminEmail}
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailInvitationSubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email for admin if profile added (only if admin notify is activated)
                invitationAdminNotifyStep1 {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailInvitationAdminNotifiyStep1Subject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email for admin if profile added (only if admin notify is activated)
                invitationAdminNotify {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailInvitationAdminNotifiySubject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

                # Email for admin if user refused profile invitation (only if admin notify on step 1 is activated)
                invitationRefused {
                    # Set values (overwrite)

                    # (de)activate email completely
                    _enable = TEXT
                    _enable.value = 1

                    # Overwrite Receivers (please fill both)
                    receiver {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.adminName}

                    # Overwrite Senders (please fill both)
                    sender {
                        email = TEXT
                        email.value =
                        name = TEXT
                        name.value =

                    # Overwrite Subject
                    subject = TEXT
           = LLL:EXT:femanager/Resources/Private/Language/locallang.xlf:emailInvitationUserRefusedAdminNotifiyStep1Subject

                    # Set CC receivers (comma separatet list for multiple CC receivers)
                    cc = TEXT
                    cc.value =

                    # Set mail priority from 1 to 5
                    priority = TEXT
                    priority.value =

                    # Add Attachment (separate each with comma)
#					attachments = COA
#					attachments {
#						10 = TEXT
#						10.value = fileadmin/file.pdf
#						10.wrap = |,

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.value = fileadmin/file2.pdf
#						20.wrap = |,
#					}

                    # Add Embed Images (separate each with comma) - can be used in mail with <img src="{embedImages.0}" /> and so on...
#					embedImage = COA
#					embedImage {
#						10 = FILES
#						10 {
#							references {
#								table = fe_users
#								fieldName = image
#								uid.field = uid
#							}

#							begin = 0
#							maxItems = 1

#							renderObj = IMG_RESOURCE
#							renderObj {
#								file.import.dataWrap = {file:current:storage}:{file:current:identifier}
#								file.maxW = 120
#								file.maxH = 120
#							}
#						}

#						20 = TEXT
#						20.wrap = ,|
#						20.value = fileadmin/image.jpg
#					}

            # overwrite any user values with TypoScript
            forceValues {
                # Overwrite initally (default)
                beforeAnyConfirmation {
                    # Usergroups can be set with a commaseparated list
#					usergroup = TEXT
#					usergroup.value = 2

                    # Set a fix value
#					email = TEXT
#					email.value =

                # Overwrite on admin confirmation (only if admin confirmation was activated)
                onAdminConfirmation {
                    # Usergroups can be set with a commaseparated list
#					usergroup = TEXT
#					usergroup.value = 4

                    # Set a fix value
#					www = TEXT
#					www.value =

            misc {
                # Remove Usergroups from Usergroup Selection in Frontend
#				removeFromUserGroupSelection = 2,3

                # initially save password as hash ("Argon2i", "Bcrypt", "Pbkdf2", "Phpass", "Blowfish", "md5", "none" ("sha1" for TYPO3 V8) or empty for extension saltedpasswords - if installed
#				passwordSave = md5

        delete {
            # redirect after profile delete
#			redirect = TEXT
#			redirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

        list {
            filter {
                searchword {
                    fieldsToSearch = address, city, company, country, email, fax, first_name, image, last_name, middle_name, name, telephone, title, usergroup.title, username, www, zip

        loginAs {
            # redirect when simulate a frontenduser login from administrator
#			redirect = TEXT
#			redirect {
#				typolink {
#					parameter = 1
#					returnLast = url
#					#linkAccessRestrictedPages = 1
#				}
#			}

        misc {
            # Where to save new image files
            uploadFolder = {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.uploadFolder}

            # Number of allowed images to upload
            uploadAmount = 3

            # Maximum size for image upload in bytes
            uploadSize = 25000000

            # Number of allowed images to upload
            uploadFileExtension = jpeg, jpg, gif, png, bmp, svg, tif, tiff

            # Width of the rendered image in FE
            renderImageWidth = 250

        # Add own finisher classes that will be called after registration, profile update, invitation or deletion (e.g. if you want to do something with form values by your own: Save into tables, call an API, etc...)
        finishers {
            # Femanager finishers
            10.class = In2code\Femanager\Finisher\SaveToAnyTableFinisher
            20.class = In2code\Femanager\Finisher\SendParametersFinisher

#			100 {
                # Classname that should be called with method *Finisher()
#				class = Vendor\Ext\Finisher\DoSomethingFinisher

                # optional: Add configuration for your PHP
#				config {
#					foo = bar

#					fooCObject = TEXT
#					fooCObject.value = do something with this text
#				}

                # optional: If file will not be loaded from autoloader, add path and it will be called with require_once
#				require = fileadmin/femanager/finisher/DoSomethingFinisher.php
#			}

        # Add any dataProcessor classes that will be called just before the action will be rendered
        dataProcessors {
            # Birthdate converter
            30 {
                class = In2code\Femanager\DataProcessor\DateConverter

                config {
                    fieldNames = dateOfBirth

                events {
                    New = create
                    Edit = update

#			100 {
                # Classname that should be called with an existing method process()
#				class = Vendor\Ext\DataProcessor\DoSomethingDataProcessor

                # optional: Add configuration for your PHP
#				config {
#					foo = bar

#					fooCObject = TEXT
#					fooCObject.value = do something with this text
#				}

                # call this class just before this actions will be opened
#				events {
#					New = create,createStatus
#				}
#			}

        # Add own autoAdminConfirmation classes that can decide if confirmation by admin (only if activated) can be skipped. E.g. if an Email domain fits to a given list.
        autoAdminConfirmation {
            # Femanager autoAdminConfirmation classes
#			10 {
#				class = In2code\Femanager\Domain\Service\AutoAdminConfirmation\EmailDomainConfirmation
#				config {
                    # Just look at the domains of the given Email-Addresses
#					confirmByEmailDomains = .de, .it, .ch, .at
#					confirmByEmailDomainsExceptions =,
#				}
#			}

#			100 {
                # Classname that should be called with method isAutoAdminConfirmationFullfilled()
#				class = In2code\FemanagerExtended\Domain\Service\AutoAdminConfirmation\IpAddressConfirmation

                # optional: Add configuration for your PHP
#				config {
#					foo = bar

#					fooCObject = TEXT
#					fooCObject.value = do something with this text
#				}
#			}

        # Don't touch this - this is needed to let the plugin know if the main typoscript is included - otherwise an errormessage will be shown in the frontend
        _TypoScriptIncluded = 1

# Inlude JavaScript files
# add jQuery if it was turned on in the constants
[globalVar = LIT:0 < {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.jQuery}]
page.includeJSFooterlibs.femanagerJQuery = //
page.includeJSFooterlibs.femanagerJQuery.external = 1

# add twitter bootstrap JS if it was turned on in the constants
[globalVar = LIT:0 < {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.bootstrap}]
page.includeJSFooterlibs.femanangerBootstrap = EXT:femanager/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/bootstrap.min.js

# Inlude CSS files
# add twitter bootstrap CSS if it was turned on in the constants
[globalVar = LIT:0 < {$plugin.tx_femanager.settings.bootstrapCSS}]
page.includeCSS.femanangerBootstrap = EXT:femanager/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Vendor/bootstrap.min.css

page {
    includeCSS {
        femanagerMain = EXT:femanager/Resources/Public/Css/Main.min.css
    includeJSFooter {
        femanagerValidation = EXT:femanager/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Validation.min.js
        femanager = EXT:femanager/Resources/Public/JavaScript/Femanager.min.js

Backend Module


Backend Module (List)

Backend Module (Confirmation)


List Module

The Femanager-Backend-Module List is only a small module to search and list some frontend users.

Some AJAX-requests will help you and your editors to delete or hide and unhide users very fast. The edit icons works in the same way as in the list module.

In addition you can see who's only in this moment (If fe_users session exists and is not older than 2h) and you can logout your fe-users with just one click.

A new feature called log in as allows you to open a new window where your frontend is shown and you are already logged in as the chosen user (admin only feature)

Confirmation Module

The confirmation module can be activated via Extension Manager because it's still in the beta phase. Nevertheless you will see a list of not-yet-confirmed fe-users that can be confirmed (or refused) by just one click.

Per default only disabled users are listed that have a user confirmation. If all disabled users should be shown, even if they have no user confirmation (because your plugin is configured, that only admins should confirm the requests), User TSConfig can be used like (to list those users): tx_femanager.UserBackend.confirmation.filter.userConfirmation=0


Nearly all settings for the backend module are done in ext_typoscript_setup.txt in the key module.tx_femanager. One setting must be done in your TypoScript Template, the setting module.tx_femanager.settings.configPID should be set in your TypoScript, the default is 1.

You can overwrite these settings in your page TS.


Field Name


Default Value


typoscript main template storage

You need to specify the pid, where your main typoscript settings (frontend) is stored. You should take a page, where a plugin (regristration / invitation) is available.. This is needed to perform actions like confirm users via Backend or resend
confirmation mails. If you have a multidomain system, you can overwrite config in your typoScript Tempplate for each domain. If this setting is not applied by the root typoscript template, try to define your setting in a ext_typoscript_setup.txt in your template / sitepackage extension.