Run it!
This migration script updates the page TSconfig of your root pages:
- it removes configuration, which starts with 'TCEFORM.tt_content.pi_flexform.xblog_pi...'
- it adds up-to-date configuration
Root pages have a world icon in the page tree. They have enabled the property is_siteroot.
vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
--configuration EXT:xblog/Configuration/Migration.php \
--key update_pages \
--dryrun 0
dryrun is true by default.
Test for a special root page and its subpages
Run the migration script with the key update_pages for the page with the id 124 only and without any execution (dryrun):
vendor/bin/typo3cms migration:migrate \
--configuration EXT:xblog/Configuration/Migration.php \
--key update_pages \
--limitToPage 124 \
--recursive 0 \
--dryrun 0