01 Storage

  • Location of your Fluid partials.

  • Your templates are partials only.

  • Partials must called 01, 02, 03, ...

Below is a sample with four additional Fluid partials.

├── 1stPlugin
│   └── Partials
│       └── Externaltemplate
│           ├── List
│              ├── 01.html
│              ├── 02.html
│              ├── 03.html
│              └── 04.html
│           └── Single
│               ├── 01.html
│               ├── 02.html
│               ├── 03.html
│               └── 04.html
└── 2ndContent
    └── Partials
        └── Externaltemplate
            ├── List
               ├── 01.html
               ├── 02.html
               ├── 03.html
               └── 04.html
            └── Single
                ├── 01.html
                ├── 02.html
                ├── 03.html
                └── 04.html