Register a new field


  • Place your field in the fluid template

  • Register a field in TypoScript (optional)

Fluid Template

Sample code for the fluid template and a new field bycycle_fitting from an extension like tx_myextension.

Non registered field

Nothing to do in TypoScript.


Registered field

A registered field must registered within your TypoScript (see below).



If you like to work with registered fields in your fluid templates, you have to register these fields within TypoScript. See the workflow below.

Registered fields are part of the TypoScript FLUIDTEMPLATE.

Each of the three "core" registers - xBlogMainList, xBlogMainSingle, xBlogMini - has an element renderObj:

renderObj {
  variables {
    registered_field_1 = ...
    registered_field_2 = ...

See the TypoScript path for xBlogMainSingle below:

plugin.tx_xblog_pi1.settings.views.single.content.30.30.single.20 {
  xBlogMainSingle {
    cObject {
      renderObj {
        variables =

If you don't know, how to find one of the three core registers - xBlogMainList, xBlogMainSingle, xBlogMini -, please refer to

Field definition

Example: Your field label is bycycle_fitting.

A field definition can be:

xBlogFieldBycycleFitting = TEXT
xBlogFieldBycycleFitting {
  field = bycycle_fitting
  wrap = <p class="fittings">|</p>

The complete code would be:

plugin.tx_xblog_pi1.settings.views.single.content.30.30.single.20 {
  xBlogMainSingle {
    cObject {
      renderObj {
        variables {
          xBlogFieldBycycleFitting = TEXT
          xBlogFieldBycycleFitting {
            field = bycycle_fitting
            wrap = <p class="fittings">|</p>