xBlog plugin: templates

xBlog plugin with four additional templates

04 Plugin

You add your Fluid templates / partials to the xBlog plugin by page TypopScript

Page TsConfig

With hard coded labels:

tx_xblog.templateLayouts {
  1 = List
  2 = Edit
  3 = Status
  4 = Bookings

Or localised (recommended):

tx_xblog.templateLayouts {
  1 = LLL:EXT:my-ext/Resources/Private/Language/tsconfig.xlf:tx_xblog.templateLayouts.1
  2 = LLL:EXT:my-ext/Resources/Private/Language/tsconfig.xlf:tx_xblog.templateLayouts.2
  3 = LLL:EXT:my-ext/Resources/Private/Language/tsconfig.xlf:tx_xblog.templateLayouts.3
  4 = LLL:EXT:my-ext/Resources/Private/Language/tsconfig.xlf:tx_xblog.templateLayouts.4