Page TSConfig

Since version 3.1 TypoScript configuration (setup only) can also be overridden with Page TSConfig.

The configuration set with Page TSConfig will be merged with default configuration and default values will be overridden.


module.tx_sitegenerator {
    settings {
        siteGenerator {
            wizard {
                 # Remove all steps
                 steps.clear = 1
                 steps {
                    10 = Oktopuce\SiteGenerator\Wizard\StateCopyModelSite
                    20 = Oktopuce\SiteGenerator\Wizard\StateUpdateHomePage
                    30 = Oktopuce\SiteGenerator\Wizard\StateUpdateTemplateHP
                    40 = Oktopuce\SiteGenerator\Wizard\StateUpdatePageTs
                    50 = Oktopuce\SiteGenerator\Wizard\StateUpdateSlugs
                formDto = Oktopuce\SiteGeneratorCustomized\Dto\SiteGeneratorDto


Note the use of steps.clear to remove all step already defined through TypoScript

You can also override the backend templates with Page TSConfig :

templates.oktopuce/site-generator.templateRootPaths = oktopuce/site-generator:../site_generator_customized/Resources/Private/OtherTemplates