Developer Corner

Target group: Developers

The site_generator extension is highly customizable, this chapter describes the basics of the extension and explain how to extend it in order to fit your own needs :

  • add customs states

  • add specific data to forms

  • change wizard steps

The site_generator wizard is based on State Design Pattern :

class SiteGeneratorDto {

class StateBase {

class SiteGeneratorWizard {
   # setNextWizardState()
   __ protected data __
   #StateBase currentState
   #BaseDto siteData

class StateCopyModelSite {
   + process($context:SiteGeneratorWizard)

class StateCreateFileMount {
   + process($context:SiteGeneratorWizard)

class StateCreateFolder {
   + process($context:SiteGeneratorWizard)

class StateCreateFeGroup {
   + process($context:SiteGeneratorWizard)

SiteGeneratorDto --* SiteGeneratorWizard
SiteGeneratorWizard o-- StateBase : currentState
StateBase <|- StateCreateFeGroup
StateBase <|-- StateCreateFolder
StateBase <|-- StateCreateFileMount
StateCopyModelSite -|> StateBase

note left of SiteGeneratorWizard::currentState
   States comes from TypoScript Setup
end note

class SiteGeneratorDto
note right: Data Transfer Object From forms wizard

The wizard get states from TypoScript Setup and form data through SiteGeneraorDto.

For full customization, I suggest to create your own extension, this is how it is suppose to be in following section, the tree structure looks like this :

├── Classes
│   ├── Dto
│   │   └── SiteGeneratorDto.php
│   ├── EventListener
│   │   ├── VariablesForFirstView.php
│   │   └── VariablesForSecondView.php
│   └── Wizard
│       └── StateCreateFeGroup.php
├── Configuration
│   └── Services.yml
├── composer.json
├── ext_emconf.php
├── ext_localconf.php
├── ext_typoscript_constants.typoscript
├── ext_typoscript_setup.typoscript
└── Resources
    └── Private
        └── Partials
             ├── FirstStepForm.html
             └── SecondStepForm.html