
Categories are not mandatory but make it easier to structure member and location records. The category records themselves are supplied by the TYPO3 Core and might be shared with other extensions.

Create member and location categories

  1. Go to the module Web > List

  2. Go to the "Sys Categories Storage" folder that you created in the first step at Recommended page structure or alternatively use your "Member Storage".

  3. Use the + icon in the topbar Create new record.

  4. Then use the New record icon Content > Category.

    Create new sys category with web > list module

    Create new sys category with Web > List module

  5. First of all create two parent categories: Locations & Members and Save them.

  6. Now you have to remember the ID's of these two categories and enter them in the Global extension configuration! The ID's can be found out by hovering the mouse pointer over the icon of the the respective category.

    Find out id of important member and location sys category

    Find out id of important member and location sys category

  7. Now create the required member and location categories and in the field Parent set the check mark for the parent category.


Don't forget to enter the ID's of the parent categories Locations & Members as described here: Global extension configuration!

Important properties for sys categories

Important Fields



Title of the category. This field is required!

Parent category

The parent category is used to build a category tree. Therefore select the parent of the current category.


For all categories that are to be assigned to members, the checkbox "Members" must be set here. For all categories that should be assigned to locations, the checkbox "Locations" must be set here.