Config cookieman

Out-of-the-box ext:clubmanager has integrated a content blocker for Youtube in the Fluid-template for the detail view of the locations and thus offers a 2-click solution for the display of Youtube movies within the Clubmanager list and detail views.



If you want to make use of functionality for data protection of youtube and/or google maps integration with a cookie consent manager ext:clubmanager has preconfigured Typoscript for ext:cookieman.

Cookieman: Include static TypoScript template

  1. Install ext:cookieman

  2. Go to module Web > Template and chose your root page. It should already contain a TypoScript template record.

  3. Switch to view Info/Modify and click on Edit the whole template record.

  4. Switch to tab Includes and add the following templates from the list to the right: Clubmanager Cookieman (clubmanager).

Include static cookieman typoscript

Include at least Clubmanager Cookieman (clubmanager) typoscript

Cookieman TypoScript


Have a look at the ext:clubmanager > cookieman TypoScript Setup and change wording etc. in your own sitepackage to your needs.

Path to cookieman setup


Do not change, the following TypoScript on your own, because it activates the Content-Blocker-Mode in EXT:clubmanager/Resources/Private/Partials/Youtube.html

TypoScript setup
plugin.tx_clubmanager.settings.contentBlockerMode = cookieman

The plugin.tx_cookieman.settings are set for all EXT:clubmanager requirements. Better you do not change this but add the settings according to your specific needs in your own Sitepackage.


Have a look at the ext:clubmanager > cookieman TypoScript constants and change wording etc. in your own sitepackage to your needs.

Path to cookieman constants


You can use the following constants code-block in your sitepackage. Simply change the page pid's for your privacy policy and your legal disclosure and you are ready to go.

TypoScript constants
plugin.tx_cookieman {
   settings {
      links {
         dataProtectionDeclarationPid = ###YOUR-DATA-PROTECTION-PID###
         imprintPid = ###YOUR-IMPRINT-PID###