
TYPO3 v8 has reached its end-of-life March 31st, 2020 and is not maintained by the community anymore. Looking for a stable version? Use the version switch on the top left.

There is no further ELTS support. It is recommended that you upgrade your project and use a supported version of TYPO3.

Page types

TYPO3 CMS offers many useful page types by default. They are shortly described in this chapter.


As the name implies this is the default page type and the most common you will use. It covers all basic needs.


A shortcut to another page in the page tree. When users navigate to such a page, they will be taken transparently to the shortcut's destination.

Link to External URL

This is similar to the "Shortcut" type but leads the user to a page on another web site.

Mount point

A mount point lets you select any other page in the page tree. All child pages of the chosen page will appear as child pages of the mount point. In effect this lets you duplicate a part your page tree in terms of navigation, without actually duplicating pages and content in the backend.

Mount points are a very powerful feature of TYPO3 CMS, although sometimes tricky to use.


A folder-type page is simply a container. It will not appear in the frontend. It is generally used to store other types of records than pages or content elements.

Menu separator

Creates a visual separation in the page tree and, if configured, also in the frontend navigation. Configuring usage of menu separators in the frontend is achieved using TypoScript.


This is similar to the "Folder" type, but indicates that the content is meant for removal. However it offers no cleanup function. It is just a visual indication.

Backend User Section

Such a page will appear in the frontend only for a specific group of backend users (which means you have to be logged into the backend to see such pages).