Managing content

In TYPO3, working with content happens mostly in the Web > Page module. Chose the page you want to edit from the page tree.
You can Hide. Move or Copy & paste content elements using the context menu.
The following screenshot demonstrates how to open the Page module:

Click on "Page" in the module menu, then choose the page to be managed in the page tree
Table of Content
Overview of the Page module in TYPO3

Common page icons explained:
- Use this icon to edit all the content elements of a column.
- Add a new content element to the column at this specific position.
- Content element icon. This can provide a visual clue to the type of content element. Click to access the context menu for the element (to perform actions like copy).
This group of icons is enabled when hovering over the whole element.
- Use the pencil icon to edit the element.
- Enable/disable the element to show or hide it in the frontend
- Delete the element.
- Open the context menu.
- If the edit icons are missing you do not have sufficient permission to edit the content element in question.
Hiding content elements
You can temporarily hide content that should be hidden for a while but will be needed later. You can also hide a content element while you are still working on it. Hidden content elements are not visible in the frontend

Use the "hide" button to hide a content element. The second content element is hidden and can be unhidden by the same button.
A content element can also be hidden in the "Access" tab of its edit form, its context menu or the List module.
Moving content elements
You can move content elements using drag and drop. You can either drop them in one of the highlighted areas on the current page or drop them on a different page within the page tree.

Drop the content element on a page in the page tree to move it to another page
Copy and paste content elements

Use the context menu of the upper left button of the content element to start copying a content element

Paste the content into the desired location.
You can also copy content elements by pressing Ctrl during drag and drop.
Copied content is hidden by default and has the text "(copy xx)" appended to its title. Your integrator can disable this default behaviour: Disable hide and prepend at copy if desired.
Finding content using the Live Search
Use the search button on the top right of the TYPO3 backend or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + K or Cmd + K to open the live search.

Use the arrow button to get more information on the search result
You can then edit the content element containing the text you were searching for.
Troubleshooting page management
Unused elements detected on this page
Sometimes the following warning is displayed on your page:

Warning that some content elements belong to no valid content area
This commonly happens when you switched the Backend layout in the page properties.
It can also happen after imports or updates. "Unused content" is usually not displayed on the page. You can restore it if it is still needed or delete it if it is not needed anymore.
The "Unused content" is found at the bottom of the page module. you can move it via drag an drop to the desired location or delete it, if it is not needed anymore.

Restore deleted content elements using the Recycler
If you accidentally delete a content element or even a complete page you can restore your data using the module Web > Recycler if you have sufficient permissions and it is installed.

See also Recycler manual, For editors.
Undo changes using the Page History
You can use the page history to undo any kind of content changes. If you have no access to the recycler you can also use it to restore deleted content.
Use the context menu on the page tree and choose "History/Undo".

Use the "Undo" button to undo your changes
In this module you can even see a detailed view on how text or other fields where changed and who made which changes when.

Compare the differences. Use the undo button to undo changes.
The BE-User 'xxx' began to edit this record x min ago
It is not possible in TYPO3 for two editors to work on the same content element at the same time. The last editor who saves the content element will override all other changes. You should therefore avoid working on content elements that another editor is currently working on. These are marked with a warning:

Avoid working on content elements that are currently edited by someone else