Copy and paste database record
You can copy and paste records in the List module using the context menu and then choose "copy" (or cut if you want to move the record instead).
If you want to copy or move several database records at once, use the clipboard.
Table of content
How to copy and paste via list module
Open the context menu by clicking the three dots button or the icon to the left of the record. Copy or cut the database record.

Copy or cut a record using the context menu.
To paste the copied record you have several options:

(1) inserts the record at the end of the other records, with the context menu (2) you can choose the location
Trouble shooting during copy and paste
If you see any error messages not listed here, note the date and time, error message and what you have been doing. Send the information to your site administrator.
Why is the header appended with (copy 1)?

The pasted database record is changed to "Mercury (copy 1)"
By default the title of the pasted record is post fixed with "(copy x)" and the new record is marked as hidden and not displayed in the frontend.
This default behaviour of titles being prefixed can make working with copy and paste tedious and advanced editors often prefer that the integrator of the site turns of this behaviour. They can use the setting disablePrependAtCopy to disable this.
Attempt to insert record on a page that can't store record type
Some record types, for example frontend user records or category records may only be created in pages of type "folder". If you try to insert such a record on a plain page, an error message will be displayed:

Result of trying to copy a frontend user group into a plain page
The record was not pasted in this case. Use the page tree to switch to a folder, for example the folder "Frontend Users" and click the "Paste in clipboard content" there.
The value of the field "username" has been changed as it is required to be unique
Some fields need to be unique across the complete TYPO3 installation, for example a user name or identifier.
If you try to copy & paste such a record, the affected fields are automatically renamed by appending a number.

Fields that have to be unique are automatically alterered on paste
The record has been pasted but renamed. Edit the new record and replace the field with a unique value.