Working with images

Content element Images in the TYPO3 backend

For content elements that support images (for example Text & Images, Text & Media, Images Only), you will see an Images or Media tab when you create or edit the content element.

Start by Creating a content element of type "Text & Images", "Text & Media", or "Images Only". You can find them in the tab Typical page content.

Add an image to the content element

On the Images tab, click the Add image button. The File selector window displays to let you browse for an image.

Screenshot of a "Text with Image" TYPO3 content element, tab "Images"

Click the "Add image" button in tab images to chose or upload an image

Browse the file tree, then select a folder.

The file selector window in the TYPO3 backend

Click the name of an image to select it or use the "Upload files" dialoge. Alternatively, mark several images and import all of them at once.

Configure the image

The Images tab lets you perform a number of actions to configure an image.

Image metadata

Use the small arrow next to the thumbnail to collapse and expand this section.

Here you can set general metadata including description, alt text, and insert a link to the image.

Screenshot of the meta data of an image in a "Text and Image" content element

Override the default meta data of the image with custom values for this location.

The information displayed here is drawn from the file metadata set in the Filelist. If required, you can override this metadata to set specific values for the image for the current content element.

You can experiment with the image manipulation editor to crop or resize the image. Making changes here won't impact the original image file in Filelist.

Media adjustments

Manually specify the width and height of the image in pixels, and apply a border.

Screenshot of the Media Adjustments section of a "Text and Images" content element in TYPO3

A value of '0' means the size is calculated dynamically.


Use the Enlarge on Click setting to enable a lightbox display for the image.

Manage your images in the Filelist

You can manage your previously uploaded images in the backend module File > Filelist:

Screenshot of the "Filelist" backend module in TYPO3

You can view the files as Tiles or List by switching the settings.

TYPO3 uses a file abstraction layer (FAL) you can therefore move images into different folders without impending the frontend output of the web page, even if they are used in multiple places.

You can move images into folders by drag and drop:

Screenshot of the "Filelist" backend module demonstration Drag and Drop

Grab a picture with the mouse, drag it to a folder and drop it there

The file abstraction layer will not allow you to delete images that are still in use in some content element:

File not deleted, The file "xxx.png" cannot be deleted since it is still used at the following places

TYPO3 FAL will prevent you from deleting files that are still in use

First alter or delete all content elements that still use the file, then you can delete the file itself.

See also chapter Managing files in the Fileadmin.