Faking detail pages¶
With DCE 2.6.0 a new feature has been introduced, which allows you to simulate or fake detail pages, based on DCE content elements: Slugs and custom titles for DCE detail pages
Special Thanks to Silverback (https://silverback.st/) who sponsored this feature!

Slugs for detail pages
Thanks to Symfony Expression Language, you can use multiple DCE fields as slug
Field contents used for slug, get sanitized
Fallback if slugs are not unique (in this case, the uid of content element is appended to slug)
Modify current page title on detail page
based on own title slug expression
you can replace, prepend or append the DCE detail page title
Once you've upgraded to DCE 2.6, you just need to apply the following routing enhancer configuration in your sites configuration yaml:
DceWithDetailpage: # you are free to choose a unique name here
type: Simple
routePath: '/show/{detailDceUid}' # the given argument, must match with set detailpage_identifier
detailDceUid: # Same here
type: PersistedAliasMapper
tableName: tt_content
routeFieldName: tx_dce_slug
Now, all DCEs with detail page enabled and identifier set to detailDceUid get beautified slugs.
On tab "Detail page" in every DCE you find three new options:
How it works¶
DCE adds a new column tx_dce_slug
to tt_content table. Only content elements based on DCEs with detail page enabled
and slug expression set, use this new field.
An after-save-hook updates the slug every time:
a content element get updated (or created)
the slug expression in DCE changed
then, all content elements existing, based on current DCE, get updated
slugs get removed, when slug expression is empty
With this static slug set, the routing enhancer configuration works with standard PersistedAliasMapper.
To make the illusion of a detail page perfect, here are some tips for you.
Hide other content elements¶
Since DCE 2.3, with enabled DCE container feature, you can automatically hide all other container items. Check out the option, "Hide other container items, when detail page is triggered" in DCE Container options. This checkbox is only available, when DCE container and detail page features are enabled.
If you have more DCEs with detail templates on one page, the template will just switch for one of your content elements. The other DCE will still be visible and displays the normal template.
When you want to hide all other content elements you need to do some typoscript.
Fluid Styled Content¶
[request.getQueryParams()['detailDceUid'] > 0]
styles.content.get.select.uidInList {
data = GP:detailDceUid
intval = 1
This small snippet checks if the GET param "detailDceUid" is set. If it is set, it tells the select function in CSS Styled content, to display just this one content element, by passing the GET parameter value to the query.
Of course, we need to avoid SQL injection, by casting the value to an integer by using (stdWrap.)intval.
This example removes all content element from normal column. If you want to remove all elements but the selected one in another col, you just need to write eg. "styles.content.getLeft" or ".getRight" or ".getBorder".
Caution: This snippet will probably not work, because mostly TYPO3 Integrators uses this to assign the contents to the template:
page.10 < styles.content.get
The lower than sign (<
) copies the given value. But with our snippet above we override the original one.
The copy will not be affected. The easiest way would be to use a reference instead:
page.10 =< styles.content.get
Then you are able to change something in CSS Styled Content typoscript, which also affects the output.
Bootstrap Package¶
In Bootstrap Package fetching content elements happens a bit different. Here, lib.dynamicContent is utilized by the f:cObject view helper from within the templates, so we modify this lib:
[request.getQueryParams()['detailDceUid'] > 0]
lib.dynamicContent.20.select.uidInList {
override.cObject = TEXT
override.cObject.data = GP:detailDceUid
override.cObject.intval = 1
override.if {
value.data = register:colPos
equals = 0
Include detail pages to XML sitemap (EXT:seo)¶
Since DCE 2.9 there is a detailpage XML sitemap data provider shipped, which adds DCE content elements with detailpages to XML sitemap, automatically.
You just need to adjust the default EXT:seo TypoScript configuration like this:
plugin.tx_seo.config.xmlSitemap.sitemaps.pages.provider = T3\Dce\Seo\XmlSitemap\DetailPagesXmlSitemapDataProvider
Then, DCE content elements with detailpage enabled will also provide an entry in XML sitemap pages section. Priority and change frequency is taken from the page record, where the DCE is located on.
Special Thanks to Silverback (https://silverback.st/) who sponsored this feature!