
You can install DCE with or without composer.

With composer

Just require DCE on cli:

$ composer req t3/dce:"^3.2"

When composer is done you need to enable the extension in the extension manager.

Without composer

You can also fetch DCE from TER and install it the old-fashioned way.

DCE in extension manager of TYPO3 CMS


You need to enable the extension in Extension Manager with or without composer in use! Or use CLI tools for that.

DCE provides no further options here.

Gridelements notice

Caution, when you also use EXT:gridelements in your TYPO3 project!

It can happen that DCE content elements have no contents available in Fluid template, when they are located inside a grid column. This affects also all plugins, using pi_flexform.

When Gridelements is installed, it applies "magic" to pi_flexform by default. In order to make TYPO3 work as expected, you need to disable this behaviour on your own, using TypoScript like this:

tt_content.gridelements_pi1.dataProcessing.10.default.options.resolveChildFlexFormData = 0