This documentation is not using the current rendering mechanism and is probably outdated. The extension maintainer should switch to the new system. Details on how to use the rendering mechanism can be found here.

4.0.0 - 2015/11/10

Important changes

This release targets TYPO3 CMS 7 LTS only and follows the PSR-2 standard.

The UI has been adopted to fit the new designs of the core using svg icons.

All Changes

This is a list of all changes in this release:

2015-11-06 [CLEANUP] Remove unused use statements (Commit 783f097 by Georg Ringer)
2015-11-06 [CLEANUP] Use shorthand array syntax (Commit 5eacf26 by Georg Ringer)
2015-11-04 [CLEANUP] Clean ext_localconf/ext_tables (Commit b585659 by Georg Ringer)
2015-11-03 [TASK] Change folder icon (Commit c82e14a by Georg Ringer)
2015-11-03 [BUGFIX] Remove non existing type settings (Commit 403c9dc by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-30 [TASK] Improve TCA field sys_language_uid (Commit 7bdaa9b by Gernot Schulmeister)
2015-10-27 [TASK] Remove invalid UnitTest (Commit 0e21f2d by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-20 [BUGFIX] Unexpected count of 0 exception (Commit c8527f2 by Frank Nägler)
2015-10-14 [TASK] Use stripTags for og:description (Commit 63d7dd8 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [FEATURE] Support attribute section in LinkViewHelper (Commit f6fcfc7 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [BUGFIX] Fix fatal in PageLayout (Commit cd0eaf5 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [BUGFIX] Make extending classes work with PSR-2 (Commit 0599ca5 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [!!!][TASK] Remove CacheService (Commit 521074e by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [TASK] More ::class usage (Commit 749e125 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [TASK] Remove unused code (Commit 4fa4c6e by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [TASK] Move to PSR-2 (Commit e2a8b62 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [BUGFIX] Fix Category title translation in BE (Commit 031c88b by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [TASK] Switch module icons to SVGs (Commit 7732446 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [TASK] Use IconRegistry for icons (Commit 3662db6 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-14 [!!!][TASK] Improve TCA for CMS7 (Commit 7aeb07c by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [TASK] Followup (Commit f296d49 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [TASK] Fix wizards in TCA (Commit 5053a77 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [TASK] Set renderType in TCA (Commit b9a0fb4 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [TASK] Fix iconFile usage (Commit 776ba7f by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [TASK] Use new xlf in flexforms (Commit c4e13ad by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [TASK] Use new xlf file to avoid deprecations (Commit 550c6ea by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [BUGFIX] Fix clickmenu in administration module (Commit 13de967 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-13 [BUGFIX] Fix edit links in administration module (Commit 2c78182 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-06 [FEATURE] Use new template API (Commit 3bf96c0 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [BUGFIX] Fix namespace collision! (Commit 0765930 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [BUGFIX] Remove usage of tslib_fe name (Commit 1892021 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [BUGFIX] Fluid VH tests (Commit 4d6d156 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [TASK] Raise phpunit version (Commit 8b1ea2b by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [BUGFIX] Fix functional test for sys_category (Commit 2e23dc1 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [TASK] Improve composer + travis (Commit d7a03bb by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [BUGFIX] Fix test (Commit c137c6f by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-02 [BUGFIX] Fix ItemsProcFuncHook for 7.5 (Commit b656e55 by Georg Ringer)
2015-10-01 [TASK] Drop langDisable from flexform (Commit 0cdc5d1 by Georg Ringer)
2015-09-30 [BUGFIX] Prefill news records (Commit e5223c6 by Georg Ringer)
2015-09-30 [BUGFIX] Fix creation of records via admin module (Commit 1d83683 by Georg Ringer)
2015-09-30 [TASK] Use ::class (Commit aa0d41e by Georg Ringer)
2015-09-30 [TASK] Remove version checks (Commit 8d15830 by Georg Ringer)
2015-09-23 [TASK] Remove deprecated IconUtility and replace with IconFactory (Commit 19dcb37 by Frank Nägler)
2015-09-30 [TASK] Set minimum required version to 7.5 (Commit 8131b97 by Georg Ringer)

This list has been created by using git log --since="2015/09/25" --abbrev-commit --pretty='%ad %s (Commit %h by %an)' --date=short.