
They provide a compact way to present a topic from different perspectives, with each perspective presented in a tab. When the reader changes tabs, this change is synchronized in all tab content elements.

For example, if the reader is guided through the TYPO3 installation with text and five code blocks, they could switch from Bash to Powershell instructions in the first code block, and all subsequent code blocks would also automatically switch to Powershell.

composer create-project typo3/cms-base-distribution:^11 example-project-directory
composer create-project "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^11" example-project-directory
touch example-project-directory/public/FIRST_INSTALL
echo $null >> public/FIRST_INSTALL
..  tabs::

    ..  group-tab:: bash

        ..  code-block:: bash

            composer create-project typo3/cms-base-distribution:^11 example-project-directory

    ..  group-tab:: powershell

        ..  code-block:: powershell

            composer create-project "typo3/cms-base-distribution:^11" example-project-directory

..  tabs::

    ..  group-tab:: bash

        ..  code-block:: bash

            touch example-project-directory/public/FIRST_INSTALL

    ..  group-tab:: powershell

        ..  code-block:: powershell

            echo $null >> public/FIRST_INSTALL

As an example, tabs are used in the Getting Started Guide in the chapter Installation.