Bullet lists / unordered lists

This section contains information on bullet lists and numbered lists. A text block which begins with a "*", "+", "-", "•", "‣", or "⁃", followed by whitespace, is a bullet list item.

  • Each item of a list should start with a * or - and 3 spaces after it
  • Lists should have an empty line before and after
  • Sublists should also have an empty line before and after
  • Indent sublists with 4 spaces

Bullet lists:

  • Each item of a list should start with a * or - and 3 spaces after it

Numbered lists:

  • Start each item with a #. and 1 space after it for automatic numbering

See also:

Example 1: List with sublist items

*   item 1
*   item 2 is a longer text with line breaks. We can format and
    indent like this
*   item 3

    *   subitem 3.1
    *   subitem 3.2

*   item 4

How it looks:

  • item 1
  • item 2 is a longer text with line breaks. We can format and indent like this
  • item 3

    • subitem 3.1
    • subitem 3.2
  • item 4