
We have 3 directives to mark versions in the manuals.

The incentive is that information which is important for migration can be marked and semi-automatically be removed after one or two versions.


..  versionadded:: 10.2
    Starting with TYPO3 10.2 hooks and signals have been replaced by a PSR-14 based
    event dispatching system.

New in version 10.2

Starting with TYPO3 10.2 hooks and signals have been replaced by a PSR-14 based event dispatching system.

For emphasis, the directive can also be placed into one of the admonitions:

..  tip::
    ..  versionadded:: 10.2
        Starting with TYPO3 10.2 hooks and signals have been replaced by a PSR-14 based
        event dispatching system.


..  deprecated:: 10.2
    The hook shown here is deprecated since TYPO3 10.2 - use a custom
    PSR-15 middleware instead.

Deprecated since version 10.2

The hook shown here is deprecated since TYPO3 10.2 - use a custom PSR-15 middleware instead.


..  versionchanged:: 10.4.34
    The bug ... was fixed with version 10.4.23 ...

Changed in version 10.4.34

The bug ... was fixed with version 10.4.23 ...